Welcome to the SPRING edition of the Beaconsfield Banner for 2017. The Banner is available on the BPA website www.beaconsfield.org.au and on Facebook, as well as printed copies available at the Post Office, Beaconsfield Community Centre and local businesses.
We hope you enjoy reading the Banner in the new format continuing to inform Beaconsfield residents on what is happening.
The full text of the Banner is displayed By pressing the following link
Beaconsfield Banner – Spring 2017
Article Page
BPA President’s Report 3
Ranges Ward Councillors’ Report 4
State Member Brad Battin MP 5
Beaconsfield Kindergarten 6
History – Charles Nott 7
Make and Mingle 9
Beaconsfield Veterinary – Dangers of Snail Bait 10
VET Community Services – Berwick College 15
Article Page
Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre 16
Beaconsfield Scout Group 17
Beaconsfield Football Club 18
Mountain Boarding Victoria 19
The BPA Website & Editor’s Note 20
State & Federal Political Representatives 21
Correspondence 21
Retailer Chrismas Competition 24
President’s Report
Welcome to the SPRING edition of the Beaconsfield Banner for 2017. The Banner is available on the BPA website www.beaconsfield.org.au and on mobile phone, as well as printed copies available at the Post Office, Beaconsfield Community Centre and local businesses. I hope you enjoy reading the Banner in the new format continuing to inform Beaconsfield residents on what is happening.
The project to install a Touchscreen is proceeding with approval from Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre on the location. A visit to the Cockatoo Ash Wednesday Memorial Centre, which has a touchscreen, is planned as the next step. The project will include information and pictures of soldiers from WWI on the Beaconsfield Honour Board and other information related to the area and is financed by a grant from Department of Veterans Affairs.
On 15 August, Neighbourhood Watch Cardinia conducted an informative public meeting at Beaconsfield Community Complex to discuss crime and preventative action that can be taken. Guest speakers were Cardinia Police Senior Sergeant Nathan Prowd and Leading Senior Constable Frank Bailey, a Crime Prevention Officer. The principal messages were lock all house and motor vehicle doors and windows, secure valuables in a safe or hidden place. Stay alert and report potential crimes to Crime Stoppers or phone 000 for immediate assistance. The Police Officers answered questions from the floor.
Beaconsfield Progress Association (BPA) is the voice of the community and is always willing to advocate on township matters to Councils, Governments and Government Authorities. In the last three months the BPA’s involvement has included providing support in a letter to Vic Roads from Cardinia Shire Mayor Cr. Brett Owen requesting improvements to the O’Neil Road intersection and the east bound congestion at the Old Princes Highway intersection; more regular bus services on route 838 along Beaconsfield Emerald Road; beautification of a garden bed and no parking signs in Beaconsfield Avenue (south side).
To assist with projects the BPA has been awarded Grants from Cardinia Shire Council for Beaconsfield Banner Publications and for 2018 Anzac Memorial Service.
Our Incorporated Association (BPA) will be holding an Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 17 October at 7.30pm at Beaconsfield Community Complex. All positions are declared vacant and interest is sought from Beaconsfield Residents and Business Owners to serve for the next 12 months. Nominations must be received by the Association by 10 October by completing prescribed Nomination Forms. Annual Accounts will also be discussed for adoption. The Guest Speaker will be Fiona Cost, a Together We Can Facilitator at Cardinia Shire Council. I encourage interested Community minded persons to be involved with the Association and help improve the amenities and quality of life in Beaconsfield.
Editor’s Note
Once again, a sincere thank you to everyone involved in taking the time to prepare and submit articles.
Perhaps, it goes without saying but all of us have a deep attachment to and love for this town. If you feel the same way, get involved by:
- attending our monthly BPA meetings
- submitting an article to be published in the Banner
- or advertising in the Banner
We are endeavouring to contact all our past advertisers to let them know the Banner is back in production. If you are interested in advertising in the Beaconsfield Banner please contact us via email on banner@beaconsfield.org.au
There is no clearer illustration of community spirit, than advertising in the Banner.
So please get behind our advertisers and show your support.
All correspondence to P.O. Box 217, Beaconsfield Vic 3807 or email banner@beaconsfield.org.au
Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7.30pm at the Beaconsfield Community Complex, O’Neil Rd. We encourage and welcome all Beaconsfield residents to come and attend these meetings.
Come and air your concerns, raise issues or just come for some information.
The next three meeting dates will be:
- September 19th
- October 17th
- November 21st
Articles Welcome
Have your say on local issues, submit anecdotes about Beaconsfield past/present, letters to the editor or articles of general interest are welcomed.
These can be emailed to the editor at banner@beaconsfield.org.au
All articles must contain the contributor’s name and contact details for verification purposes.
The Beaconsfield Banner is published by the Beaconsfield Progress Association (BPA) in early March, June, September and December.
The Banner is distributed via a combination of black and white hard copy, available at specific businesses in the Beaconsfield Township and colour online via the BPA website. The website Banner is also cross promoted using posts with links from the BPA Facebook page.
All advertising enquiries to Suzanne Brewer – email: banner@beaconsfield.org.au Advertisements to be submitted as a JPG or Word document email attachment. Advertising must be paid prior to printing deadlines.
Next Issue of the Banner
The next issue of the Beaconsfield Banner will be in December 2017. The deadline for contributing articles and advertising is 14th November 2017.
The claims of advertisers in the Banner are not endorsed by the BPA and opinions expressed are those of the author not the publisher. Whilst every care has been taken in preparing this newsletter there may be something that has been overlooked or printed incorrectly. Please contact us if articles or advertisements do not appear as you intended.
Some articles and photos are covered by copyright. Please have the courtesy of contacting us if you wish to copy any part of the Banner.