Well it’s fair to say that 2020 has been an unusual year! The challenges we have faced this year have impacted our families, our workplaces, and our communities in a myriad of ways. Many significant events and personal milestones have been remembered in diminished ways or completely faded into the noise. But whilst many things haven’t been able to proceed this year as expected, our Carols By The Creek team really wanted to find away to celebrate Christmas together as a community.
Clearly, we won’t be able to gather in a park with hundreds of people as would normally be the case. However, rather than cancel Christmas completely, we have been working hard to put together an online carols event to celebrate this special time of year with you, our friends and family. So why not put the 20th of December in your calendar and plan to join us as we sing carols, tell stories and share the hope of Christmas. Better still, why not invite a friend or two, grab some candles, make a picnic and enjoy Christmas carols in your own back yard.
It feels like 2020 has taken more than it’s given, so let us give a little back to you this year as we share the joy and hope of Christmas. Follow us @carolsbythecreek on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with all the latest and find out how to stream Christmas 2020 right into your home.
See you on the 20th!
The Carols Team