Junior Competition Summer Champions
Congratulations to all our teams who made the grand finals in the Summer Season.

Monday Night Advanced Hitters
To close out our 2023/2024 summer season of the Officer/Beaconsfield Monday Night Advanced Hitters, the Shi Tzu’s and Labradors fought out a hard battle at Officer. After 2 hours and 28 minutes the Shi Tzu’s (Matt and Brad) 32 points, defeated the Labradors (Didier and Ethan) 19. Great weather, great tennis, great night.
Trivia Night
Over 60 Trivia buffs gathered at the Central Hotel in Beaconsfield for a fun 70’s-80’s fundraiser night in April. Hosted by BTC committee member, Josh McCormick, the tennis club raised over $1600 which goes to maintenance of courts. Congratulations to Michael Utting on winning the $500 Beaconsfield Travel Centre raffle prize. Thank you to the Beaconsfield Travel Center and Tilnak Art for the lovely prizes. Also a big thank you to the Central Hotel for allowing us to hold this event and for the lovely meals and gift vouchers.
Interclub Competition
Midweek Women’s Comp
For the ladies, our club participates in the Dandenong and District Tennis Association competition on both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings commencing at 9:30. Contact Anja Potter 0437 074 287.
Junior competition
For both girls and boys up to the age of 18, our club participates in the Berwick and District Tennis Association on both Saturday and Sunday mornings commencing at 8:00am. Contact Brad Meates 0405 428 208.
Senior competition
Our club participates in the WDTA on Saturday afternoons and is open to all ladies and gentlemen. Contact Adrian Walsh 0425 747 615.
Social Competition
Monday/Wed night mixed Comp
Beaconsfield and Officer have two social competitions in collaboration with each other. Wednesday night social is for all abilities for all ages. It’s a great night out for those who like a game of tennis but don’t take it very seriously. For the more experienced serious player, Beaconsfield/Officer have a Monday night advanced hitters’ competition. The format is Rubbers with teams of two. Price per night for both Monday and Wednesday night competitions: Members $5 and Non members $10. Contact Maurie on 0437 759 793 for Wednesday night social, and contact Josh McCormick on 0458 869 252 for Advanced Hitters.
Casual Men’s Thursday night
For a very casual men only hit, Thursday night is for you.
Contact Gavin Baxter 0418 107 363
All night competitions commence at 7:30pm.
Veterans Day Social
For a Sunday morning social hit, come down to the courts at around 8:00 am for a social hit and free coffee from the canteen. Contact Les Donaldson 0409 435 121.
NEW Women’s Social
Casual hit with other women from Beaconsfield Tennis Club. Members are free. Non-members $5. Monday mornings commencing at 9:30. Contact Anja Potter 0437 074 287
Kerry 50 plus
Something special for a tennis beginner or someone who hasn’t been on court for a long time. You don’t have to be over 50 to join in. To find out more information or to register your interest, go to our website www.beaconsfieldtennisclubinc.com.
Casual Court Hire
$15 per court (per hour)
Book a court is now available through our website: www.beaconsfieldtennisclubinc.com
Go to Court hire and follow the links. The synthetic grass courts are available for hire only when not in use. Competitions and coaching take precedence.
Main Contact Details:
All General Queries Ph: (03) 88205853
Facebook: Beaconsfield Tennis Club Community
Mail: P.O. Box 132, Beaconsfield, VICTORIA, 3807
Website: www.beaconsfieldtennisclubinc.com
Coach: Ossie’s Tennis Coaching Ph: 0413594633 Email: ossie30@bigpondnet.au