Upgrade of Bonette Reserve/Beaconsfield Memorial
Council’s upgrade of Bonette Reserve inBeaconsfield is almost complete. The reserve was ready for Beaconsfield’s ANZAC Service.The improvement to the reserve includes provision of an accessible parking bay, seating, paths, paving, planting, as well as maintaining existing significanttrees and improving accessibility and safety.The upgrade is not yet fully finished, with seatingand signage to be installed in coming weeks. It was wonderful to see the improvements that havealready been made to the reserve when Beaconsfield’s ANZAC day service was held there.The improvements to accessibility and safety as well as provision of an accessible parking bay will increase the utility of this space for all.
The paths, paving, new seating and planting along with maintenance of the existing trees ensures that this will be an inviting open space in the heart of Beaconsfield.
Village Green Playground Renewal
The renewed Village Green Playground is now open for play! The upgraded playground is located at the Village Green Reserve, Stirling Circuit in Beaconsfield within the Panorama Estate.
Through planning the playground renewal in 2023, Council’s Parks Planning team engaged with residents who were invited to share their thoughts and ideas on Village Green and what they would like to see included in the upgrade. Council heard that there was ‘not a lot to do’ at the existing playground, and some found it ‘boring’, however feedback indicated the park is in a central location and is well used by local families, especially grandparents caring for young children. Ensuring Village Green offered different play elements to the playground on Tantallon Boulevard, Council worked with playground suppliers to come up with designs that reflected community feedback.
Final designs were then presented to the community for opinion and the opportunity to vote. The chosen design, completed by a local company, Activity Playgrounds, was preferred by the community, and offers a wide range of play experiences for users, including swings, a basket swing, monkey bars, a track glider, bridges, tunnels and a space for imaginative play. The upgrade also focused on accessibility with a new concrete path and seating, as well as repairs to the partial fencing and edging.
Check it out!
Beaconsfield Wetland Boardwalk Renewals
Renewal and improvement works on the Berwick Views Estate boardwalks in Beaconsfield are well underway. To improve community safety and access, Council is replacing sections of the existing timber boardwalk along the Coronel wetlands near Fieldstone Boulevard and Beaconsfield-Emerald Road.
The existing timber boardwalk will be replaced with different materials in sections including new timber, retaining wall and granitic sand footpath. The existing footpath network in the wetland area consists of timber boardwalks and concrete pathways, and the boardwalk was constructed almost 25 years ago during the development of the Berwick Views Estate.
The treated pine components used in this structure have reached the end of their serviceable life and now require replacement before the structure completely fails.
These works are being completed as part of Council’s Bridge Renewal program.
Council is working to minimise disruptions to the community, however temporary fencing and footpath closures will be in place for the duration of these works.
The works for the replacement of the extensive boardwalk along the Beaconsfield Emerald Road to the north of the wetlands has undergone detailed design, fabrication and installation. Works are scheduled to be completed by early June 2024, conditions permitting.
Heritage Grant applications now open
Applications for the Cardinia Shire Heritage Grants are now open to residents until Friday 7 June. The program provides funds to restore and conserve places of heritage value that are covered by a heritage overlay in the Cardinia Shire Planning Scheme.
Funds are available for private sites, as well as places that are open and accessible to the public, including commercial premises and other significant sites. Applications can also be made to include gardens, trees and hedges that have heritage significance.
For publicly accessible places, applicants can apply for up to 50 per cent of the project cost, up to the value of $5,000. For private places, applicants can apply for 25% of project cost up to a maximum of $2,500.
To apply for a grant, or to check if your heritage site or tree is eligible, visit https://www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/heritagegrants
Cardinia Jobs and Skills Showcase
The Cardinia Jobs and Skills Showcase in partnership with Local Jobs – South Eastern Melbourne and Peninsula, Star News Group and Chisholm Skills & Jobs Centre will take place on Thursday 20 June from 10am-1pm.
The second Cardinia Jobs and Skills Showcase aims to bridge the gap between jobseekers and local employers, providing the opportunity for job seekers to connect with local employers and providers about current vacancies and career pathways.
Workshops will run on the day where jobseekers will receive support with CV and cover letter writing and interview techniques.
For more information visit:
Kindergarten Registrations
Registrations for first round community kindergarten offers will be closing soon.

Kindergarten is an important time in our children’s lives and research shows there is considerable benefit to children attending kindergarten programs, which is why council is proud to be able to offer free community kindergarten for families.
It’s now time for Cardinia Shire families to register their children for 3-year-old and 4-year-old community kindergarten via Council’s online registration portal at any time.
If you’d like your child to be included in first round resident offers for 2025, registrations must be submitted by Sunday 30 June. Please logon onto the online portal to register your child – any registrations received after this date will be included in further round offers.
Cr Brett Owen
Cardinia Shire Office, Beacon Hills Ward
Mobile: 0418 993 370
Office: 1300 787 624
Email: b.owen@cardinia.vic.gov.au
Web: www.cardinia.vic.gov.au
P.O. Box 7, Pakenham 3810