Established 1986
“Because everyone deserves the gift of music”
Melbourne Youth Chorale is bouncing back after 9 months of online learning in 2020. We emerged from lockdown without a rehearsal venue and significantly depleted numbers. Now with over 60 choristers and having settled into Beaconsfield Neighbourhood House, MYC is rapidly rebuilding repertoire and confidence.
We’re excited to announce that choristers in MYC’s main performance choir, Jones, have been offered a wonderful opportunity to perform with Opera Australia at Bunjil Place in Carmen on 28 May, and also on 2 June in Frankston. Because of the pandemic uncertainty the time-frame for this project has been very tight and our staff and choristers have risen to the challenge. For some of our choristers, learning French is new!
We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce Daniel…

Daniel is a 16 year old home educated bird-lover, avid studier of languages (especially Swedish) and creator of art, photography and music. He is also the oldest of six children.
Apart from his own interests, life is an endless round of entertainment watching his siblings engage in exotic knitting projects, hit windows with hammers to see what will happen, organise hilarious activities like a lockdown family picnic complete with sack races, create dreamily…and an adorable three year old who can read, sing and use words like “Please desist!”
Daniel has struggled with focusing, lives with an auditory processing delay and consequently finds socialising complicated.
Curiously, despite being proficient on the piano and recently joining an orchestra to play his trumpet, as of a month ago Daniel could not sing in tune! This has been an ongoing source of perplexity in his musical family.
Daniel joined MYC not as a chorister, but as official photographer, to build up a gallery that became sadly depleted through lockdown. Within a week in this official capacity, encouraging persuasion from a warmly welcoming group of peers at MYC convinced him to join as a chorister.
After four choral-training and Musicianship classes…Daniel is finally…delightfully…starting to sing in tune, contributing not only photographs to the gallery, but a deep bass to the choir.
We offer the gift of music to every child without prejudice on a ‘pay what you can afford’ basis. We are proud to offer a high quality program that changes the trajectory of the lives of young people in a safe and warm social environment. We depend on community support to continue to offer this service. Your generosity can give young people like Daniel the gift of music and positive environment to develop musically and socially at Please contact if you’d like to receive MYC’s monthly newsletters, and watch our website for information about our upcoming Sing-a-thon in June!