The Beaconsfield Reservoir and Nature Conservation
The Beaconsfield Reservoir and Nature Conservation Reserve is a place of highly significant environmental, community and cultural importance for our area. A wonderful natural asset that has great potential for community and environmental benefit into the future.
The Beaconsfield Nature Conservation Reserve is crown land of around 171 hectares, administered by Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. The Beaconsfield Reservoir, decommissioned in 1991, is located within the reserve and is managed by Melbourne Water.
Council has requested that all responsible state government authorities work together with the local community and that they develop a long-term strategic plan that delivers the best outcomes for the environment and community interests, and that no further works are to be considered or proceed with the reservoir’s dam wall until such time this future strategic document is developed and created. Council also acknowledges the petition which is currently before the state government which is requesting the retention of the current reservoir water level.
While council supports Melbourne Water taking necessary action to ensure the safety of our community, we ask that thorough community consultation and communication is undertaken regarding any future plans or developments for this site, and we also request Melbourne Water to make publicly available the safety assessment report which has identified the potential risk of the reservoir wall failing.
Council has indicated its support for improved recreational facilities and greater access to the reserve for the general public and will advocate to the relevant state government departments to undertake a thorough environmental assessment of the reservoir and the greater reserve, including a report on the impact that any future developments would have on the environment within.
Council commends the work that the Cardinia Environment Coalition has undertaken in managing the reserve and advocates for ongoing recurrent funding to manage the BNCR into the future and will advocate for the state government to assign the Park Manager role to a state government agency for a significant reserve of regional importance.
Princes Highway intersection upgrades
Works are nearing completion at Beaconsfield’s Old Princes Highway intersections. The upgrades are jointly funded by Cardinia Shire Council and the Australian Government.

Both the O’Neil Road/Old Princes Highway intersection and the Glismann Road/Beaconsfield Avenue and Old Princes Highway are nearing completion. Signals are expected to be operational in June.

I would like to thank residents for their patience during the construction of these much-needed upgrades. It was short term pain for long term gain.
Playground renewal
The renewal of the Kath Roberts Reserve is nearing completion. Council engaged the local community and the Beaconsfield community was asked to nominate their preferred play space design. I look forward to the upgrade to be finished so families can enjoy the reserve again.
Pavilion upgrade at Perc Allison Reserve
The upgraded pavilion at Perc Allison Reserve is officially open!
The upgrade of the existing change rooms included unisex change room facilities, umpire’s change rooms, first aid and strapping room and a spectator viewing area.

These works were funded by Sport Australia ($500,000) and Cardinia Shire Council ($133,000).
Disability Action Plan: have your say
Council is developing a new Disability Action Plan and you’re invited to provide input. The action plan will set out what we will do to make Council’s workplaces, services, programs and community accessible to people with disability.
There are many ways to have your say. Complete an online survey, visit a pop up or online workshop until 7 June at
Cardinia Shire Council is proud to be part of a state-wide project that will help plan and advocate for improvements to community safety.
The YourGround project has an interactive map that allows people to anonymously drop a pin, tell a story or share an experience about their feelings of safety at that location.
When collated and analysed, the data will provide insights into where and how we can make our shire’s towns, parks and community spaces more accessible, more inclusive and more equitable.
The information that we hope to gather from everyone that lives in Cardinia Shire will shape our community for many years ensuring that everyone who lives, visits or works here feels safe.
YourGround is open until 31 July 2021. To share your stories, visit
Buy Local
From wineries, bakeries and cafes to business support services, training and education, and tradespeople, you’ll find it all here in Cardinia Shire. Check out our Buy Local Map at
Vaccine rollout info
The Australian Government’s COVID-19 vaccine website contains information about COVID-19 vaccines, information about the vaccine rollout, which high-risk groups will be vaccinated first in Australia and frequently asked questions. >>
For up-to-date COVID-19 information visit
Cardinia Shire Council’s environmental
e-newsletter – Stay updated
Subscribe to Cardinia Shire Council’s environmental e-newsletter Down to Earth and keep up to date with upcoming workshops, events and news!
Registrations for 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten places for 2022 are now open
Registrations are completed online using Council’s central registration portal, providing an easy, step-by-step process for parents. For more information about kindergarten registration, visit Council’s website at or call 1300 787 624
If you have already submitted a registration application, remember to check your placement preferences, contact details and application information to ensure they are still correct. You can do this quickly and easily using the online kindergarten portal at
For more info, including key dates for 2022 registrations, please go to
Gwen Neve – Nominee for Cardinia Shire’s
Stan Henwood Award
Congratulations to Beaconsfield’s Gwen Neve who was a nominee for Cardinia Shire’s Stan Henwood Award which acknowledges an individual’s valuable contribution to our community.
Gwen has been actively volunteering in the Beaconsfield community since moving to the area in 1966. She is heavily involved with the Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre, is a strong supporter of the Beaconsfield Progress Association, and has volunteered for Beaconsfield Netball Club. She is the first Life Member of the Beaconsfield Netball Club and was a finalist in the Victorian Seniors Achievers Awards in 2005. Well done Gwen.
Cr Brett Owen
Ph: 0418 993 370
Email: Owen – Ranges