Beaconsfield Comfort Station
The Beaconsfield Comfort Station (public toilet) on the south side of the Old Princes Highway has reopened after a recent council upgrade. We thank residents for their patience during the works. The upgrade included replacement of fittings, fixtures, new flooring, wall tiles, lighting, and an upgrade to external finishes.

Council has also been working with shopping centre management to ensure that the toilet amenities adjacent to Woolworths continue to be made available to the public during shopping hours. Council’s public toilet is located further away from the shopping centre and while it still has good public use, council acknowledges the community spirit of management in making this toilet available for residents and customers.
Kindergarten registrations
Families are encouraged to register for 2020 kindergarten places by 5pm, Friday 28 June 2019, for first round offers. Kindergarten is a play-based learning program that builds children’s confidence, enhances their social and language skills, expands their physical abilities and prepares them for schooling.
Cardinia Shire Council provides a central registration service for both three-year-old and four-year-old community kindergarten programs offered in its facilities.
The four-year-old kindergarten program is partially funded by the Victorian Government for up to 15-hours per week for eligible children who are four years-old on or before 30 April in the year they attend kindergarten. Additionally, other subsidies may be available depending on different criteria.
The three-year-old kindergarten program is not currently government funded and usually only includes sessions up to six hours per week. To register in a three-year-old program the child needs to have turned three years old by the time they will start the program.
We understand kindergarten is an important step for families so we’ve worked hard to simplify the registration process as much as possible. Parents can easily submit registrations online through the kindergarten portal at kindergarten.cardinia.vic.gov.au
First round offers for four-year-old kindergarten will be emailed to parents from Monday 8 July 2019. Any registrations received after 5pm on Friday 28 June 2019 will be processed in later rounds and throughout the year as places become available or as required. Cardinia Shire Council will email first round offers for families for the 2020 three-year-old kindergarten places from Monday 5 August 2019.
More info: www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/kindergarten or 1300 787 624.
Perc Allison Recreation Reserve Upgrade
Council has been successful in its application for $500,000 through the Sport Australia Community Sport Infrastructure Grant Program to upgrade the existing change rooms at Perc Allison Recreation Reserve in Beaconsfield. Council is also contributing $130,000 to this project bringing the total project funding to $630,000. The project involves a retrofit of the existing change rooms to provide unisex facilities for players and umpires to support all genders, ages and abilities. Council will work with the clubs using this reserve and the Reserve Committee of Management to progress the project through detailed design and implementation.
Intersection Upgrades
Council has been successful in obtaining funding from the federal government to bring forward the delivery of critical intersection upgrades.
Eight intersections along the Princes Highway between Pakenham and Beaconsfield are to be upgraded, to address the congestion along the Princes Highway and improve safety for all road users.
The intersections proposed to be upgraded are:
- Beaconsfield Avenue/Glismann Road Intersection
- O’Neil Road Intersection
- Brunt Road/Whiteside Road Intersection
- Bayview Road Intersection
- Tivendale Road/Station Street Intersection
- McMullen Road Intersection
- Arena Parade Intersection
- Thewlis Road Intersection
The intersections will be upgraded separately and staggered to attempt to minimise the traffic impact to the area. Planning works is already underway to enable construction works to commence soon.
Kenilworth Avenue
In response to resident concerns, Kenilworth Avenue has been temporarily closed to through-traffic. Short-term measures have been implemented under the Freeway overpass to close through-traffic. This will encourage road users to use the surrounding sealed road network and significantly reduce the amount of traffic using Kenilworth Avenue as a thoroughfare.
Council continues to broker a way forward between the developer and contractor to have Kenilworth Avenue constructed as soon as possible. Council is unable to advise of a recommencement date for construction works as this is between the developer and contractor to determine.
Council understands residents’ frustrations and we remain committed to continuing advocating until construction recommences on Kenilworth Avenue.
Cr Brett Owen
Ph: 0418 993 370
Email: b.owen@cardinia.vic.gov.au
facebook.com/Brett Owen – Ranges
Cr Jeff Springfield
Ph: 0427 383 810
Email: j.springfield@cardinia.vic.gov.au
Cr Leticia Wilmot
Ph: 0427 135 879
Email: l.wilmot@cardinia.vic.gov.au