Summer season concluded with premiership success for our junior teams in sections 2, 14 and 20, with section 3 runners up. Congratulations to all those involved. Winter season has begun with Beaconsfield having 10 junior teams competing and three senior teams.
For any kids that are interested in playing competition for the club and/or receiving professional coaching please contact Paul Rowbottom on 0412 682 569.
The annual Club Championships were also recently conducted with the results as follows:
- Seniors: Winner – Craig Sankey
- Runner up – Matthew Peart
- A Grade Juniors: Winner – Nathan Sankey
- Runner up – Luke Sankey
- B Grade Juniors : Winner – Gaby Gelderbloem
- Runner up – William Gelderbloem
Senior Tennis
At a senior level our club participates in Waverley and District Tennis Association on a Saturday afternoon competition. New players for our club are always welcome for this competition and also Pennant. Contact coordinator Dave van der Koogh on 0416 147 771. Club membership is a requirement.
Mid-Week Ladies Tennis
This competition competes in the Dandenong & District Tennis Association with play on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings involving two seasons each year commencing in February and July. Each team consists of four players playing three sets of doubles each (first to 8). We currently have seven teams competing in this competition. If you would like to join this competition, AND we do need more players, just give Kerry McKean a call on 0419 382 477. Club membership is a requirement.
In-house Social Competitions
Two night competitions and a Sunday morning competition are open to members and non-members of all ages.
Wednesday night is a mixed competition and in conjunction with Officer Tennis Club fields around 60 – 80 players depending on the season. All ages take part in this competition which is one mainly for fun and exercise. If wishing to join this friendly competition at any time contact coordinators Maurie Potter 0437 759 793 or Kate Watt 0414 354 877.
Thursday night is similar to Wednesday night but a men only competition for both A and B grade players. This is a little less structured so players are welcome at any time. Just call at the courts starting 7:30pm or call coordinator Gavin Baxter on 0418 107 363.
Veterans competition open to all ages of a senior nature has been running since 1981 and play early Sunday mornings. Call in at the courts early Sunday mornings for a game or contact our Les Donaldson on 0409 435 121.
Schools often utilise our courts as part of their sporting curriculum and our club provides access free of charge as a community contribution. Recently Beaconsfield and Pakenham Primary Schools combined to participate.

Government House Visitation
Our Head Coach, Paul Rowbottom provides coaching to all levels and this includes lessons and programs arranged specifically for the disabled under his All Abilities Program. Paul has undertaken this program since 2013 and in recognition of his services to the community in this way, he and his group were invited to tour Government House and utilise their tennis courts within the House grounds. This was arranged through Tennis Victoria.

Commencing with a luncheon at our clubhouse, Paul together with a small group of his pupils and club representatives travelled by bus, funded by our club, on the afternoon of 14th March. With much excitement and anticipation, we were met by a Government House tour guide who spent an hour escorting our tour of the House and grounds with many enlightening stories and facts. This included the billiard room and trophies, dining room, reception room and grand ballroom. A coaching session was then undertaken on impeccably maintained lawn courts until the time came to return home at 5:00pm.
Paul is always willing to take on new clients at any time. Paul and his staff also provide lessons to School programs with local schools and holiday programs for beginner to elite junior level players. Give him a call on 0412 682 569 or come and meet Paul and his staff at our club.
Wednesday Night In-house Competition Results
Our Wednesday night mixed competition in conjunction with Officer Tennis Club held their Summer competition over March with the Stosurs team (Justin & Jason Loos, Mathie Chandrananth, Brooke Pearson and Andrew Coulton) being victorious by one game over the Woodfords team (Josh Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Teagan Thomas, Dean and Declan McAuliffe).

Open to both club members and non-members, our winter competition is in full swing. So if interested in joining please contact our coordinators Maurie Potter (0437 759 793) or Karina Clark (0422 409 791). Play commences at 7:30pm.