Make and Mingle meets every Wednesday during school term from 10am-12noon at Beaconsfield Baptist Church, 7 Desmond Court Beaconsfield.
Make and Mingle is a good place to come along and meet friends, enjoy coffee and a chat and try out a new craft or finish off some of your own projects.

Recently some of the group have made greeting cards using all sorts of techniques. You can learn to do these for yourself and there is always someone to help out with craft projects. Friends and family will be delighted to receive one of these handmade cards.
Now the cooler weather is here, the knitting needles are out again and lots of projects are under way-scarves, cushions, beanies, colourful blankets and knee rugs. Needles, patterns and guidance with knitting are always available. All sorts of yarn are used and recently some ladies have made scarves from teabag strings.
Some members of the group will be participating in world knitting in public day and will be at Franks’ Café in Beaconsfield knitting, crocheting and enjoying coffee and a chat. Come along and enjoy the day on Saturday 16th June 10am-12 noon.
Make and Mingle’s famous craft fair is on again this year on Saturday 10th November 9am-2pm at Beaconsfield Baptist Church. Come along for light refreshments, extensive plants stall, and lots of crafted items including cards, bags, quilts, baby’s wear, knitted toys and jewellery; also craft supplies which include beads, egg decorating, paper tole, card making, scrapbooking and patchwork. Ideal for Christmas presents. Save the date, mark it in your diaries. Something for everyone. Free entry.
Make and Mingle meets every Wednesday at:
Beaconsfield Baptist Church
7 Desmond Court
10AM-12 NOON
during school terms and you can be assured of a warm welcome.
For information contact: