Recently Cardinia Shire Council officer, Principal Strategic Planner, Lorna Lablache, came to our monthly BPA meeting to speak about current planning issues in our area. We should also note that Councillor and Deputy Mayor, Brett Owen, attends most Beaconsfield Progress Association meetings to discuss current council issues with his local community. Beaconsfield is very lucky to have such an open and communicative relationship with their local council.
Article below written from the guest speaker’s notes by Tania Baxter (Tania was a councillor with Cardinia Shire between 2012 & 2016 and voted for the original 2016 draft. Tania is now Vice President of Beaconsfield Progress Association.)
re: Glismann Road update
In December 2013 the Beaconsfield Structure Plan was adopted by Council. An action of the structure plan is to rezone land in the ‘Glismann Road area’ from the Rural Living Zone to a residential zone to allow for residential subdivision.
The Glismann Road Development Plan is a planning tool used to help ensure that properties are developed in a cohesive manner. The current title boundaries of the lots do not lend themselves to be developed in isolation of each other.
The amendment will also consider the development’s public expenses, within the amendment area, and will allow for development to be bound to an Infrastructure Contributions Plan (ICP) via a separate planning scheme amendment, so as to minimise the cost to the wider community due to the changes in this area, e.g. road/footpath and intersection development, etc.
Council is requested to seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning for Council to prepare Amendment C238 to the Cardinia Planning Scheme to rezone the land to allow for residential development and implement the Glismann Road Development Plan. This has been delayed at the Minister’s request.
The amendment also provides direction for the provision of the road network, public open space and traffic management and that all major planning issues are resolved prior to the commencement of subdivision development.
The Plan also hopes to safeguard our natural features by carefully integrating them into the development of the land to minimise adverse impact on the amenity of the area by balancing the need for new housing against the environmental constraints and opportunities of the area.
Application seeking authorisation from the Minister to prepare an Amendment was lodged with the Minister before Easter. A copy of the Minister’s letter has been uploaded onto Council’s website, as is further information.
If you have any comment to make regarding this development please let Council know by contacting your local Councillor (Brett Owen), the Minister for Planning (Richard Wynne) and/or Lorna Lablache at Cardinia Shire Council.
Please note that this NEW DRAFT has NO PROVISION for Glismann Rd to go through to the Berwick Views Estate which, in my opinion, would have:
- relieved some of the congestion on O’Neil Rd intersection and
- provided another exit route for these new residents in case of an emergency or road closure in the area;
But instead now they will have a similar situation to that of the existing Lyle Ave street’s residents around school drop-off/pick up times.