Beaconsfield Kindergarten has some exciting plans underway for 2019, with changes to our program models and session times. As a community based, independently managed early childhood service we have the ability to be responsive to our local community and families, while continuing to provide high quality early childhood educational programs. Below is a snapshot of the different programs we will be offering in 2019. Families should enrol at Beaconsfield Kindergarten through Cardinia Shire Council’s online portal. After families are enrolled at our service, they will be given the opportunity to express their interest in any of the programs below.

Bush Kinder
We are very excited to be offering Bush Kindergarten in specific programs from 2019. Bush Kinder provides outdoor learning experiences not typically available in a traditional kindergarten setting. Children are encouraged to play, explore and learn in a bush or natural environment. Current research indicates the benefits for children participating in nature-based play experiences are many and varied. The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia states that play spaces in natural environments ‘invite open-ended interactions, spontaneity, risk-taking, exploration, discovery, and connection with nature. They foster an appreciation of the natural environment, develop environmental awareness and provide a platform for ongoing environmental education.’ Bush Kinder recognises the place the bush has in Australian folklore and the significance of the land in aboriginal culture. Beaconsfield Kindergarten’s Bush Kinder program will run at both Wilson Botanic Park and Akoonah Park. Children will attend one Bush Kinder session each week during terms 2 and 3.

Two-day Program
Family centred practice is integral to our service delivery at Beaconsfield Kindergarten. We recognise that working families require choice and flexibility when seeking enrolment in sessional kindergarten. In 2019 families will have the opportunity to enrol their child in two 7.5-hour sessions per week. Our educators are highly qualified and experienced in providing educational programs which balance the learning needs of individual children with regular food and rest breaks.
Three-day Program
Beaconsfield Kindergarten’s three-day program model will continue to be offered in 2019. Groups will attend either two longer sessions (5.5 to 6 hours) and one shorter session, or three sessions of similar length. Three-day programs provide children with consistent learning environments and experiences throughout each week.
Kinder Readiness Program
Beaconsfield Kindergarten’s Kinder Readiness Program:
- caters specifically for children who turn four between 1 January and 30 April
- provides two 2.5-hour sessions per week
- is run by a Bachelor-qualified teacher and Diploma-qualified co-teacher
- meets the specific needs of children seeking stimulating learning opportunities alongside 4- year-old peers, although they may not be ready for a 15 hour per week 4yo kindergarten program
- provides opportunities to develop social skills and engage with peers of a similar age
- helps children to develop a sense of connectedness and belonging in a large group setting.
Children who attend our Kinder Readiness Program generally attend funded (4yo) kinder the following year, and begin school in the year they turn six.
To enrol in our Kinder Readiness Program, please contact our office on 8768 4444 or email
Three-year-old kindergarten
Beaconsfield Kindergarten will be offering a 3yo kindergarten program in 2019. Enrolments should be done through Cardinia Shire Council’s online portal, and offers will go out towards the beginning of August.