Approximately 150 people attended the service held on 22 April 2018. Attendees included returned servicemen and women, descendants of servicemen and women, Federal Member for Latrobe Jason Wood, State Member for Gembrook Brad Battin, Cardinia Shire Mayor Cr Collin Ross and Deputy Mayor Cr Brett Owen.
The Service started with a march from the Engine Bay of the Beaconsfield Fire Station along Woods Street to the Cenotaph area. Returned Servicemen and descendants, local school children, scouts and others marched.
The Memorial Service has been held by Beaconsfield Progress Association since 1999 and was instigated by the late Tony Rushton.
The Memorial Address about World War 1 serviceman James Patrick Osborne was researched, written and compiled by Penny Harris Jennings and read by Tania Baxter.
Musical items were presented by Cranbourne Salvation Army Recorder Ensemble and Casey Choir. Andrew Spierings, Piper and Rodney Edwards, Bugler also participated in the Service.
The President of Upper Beaconsfield RSL Eric Chaplin read the names of World War I and World War II Servicemen and women from the Cenotaph and Honour Board. Their photos were placed around the Cenotaph by our young leaders from Beaconsfield Scouts, Beaconsfield Primary School and St Francis Xavier College. Mr Chaplin also led the ‘Ode to the Fallen.’
Thanks to the many local organisations and businesses that assisted in the service including Beaconsfield CFA, Computer Talk and Beaconsfield Midway Group. Cardinia Shire Council covered expenses for the day with their Festivals and Event Grant.
At the conclusion of the service, afternoon tea provided by Midway ladies was enjoyed with great conversations between people attending reflecting on the commemoration of Anzac Day.
Graeme Taylor
Beaconsfield Progress Association Inc.