‘Get red-y’ for new rubbish bin lids
In February 2024, all kerbside rubbish bins in Cardinia Shire will transition to red lids over a 4-week period. The red lids will replace any existing dark green lids on these bins. This change is taking place because the Victorian Government is standardising household waste and recycling services across the state, including lid colours. Under the new and improved system, lime green lids will be for food and garden waste, yellow lids for recycling, and red lids for general rubbish. Some community members already have a red-lidded rubbish bin. For those who don’t, all they will need to do is leave their kerbside rubbish bin out until 6pm on their usual general rubbish bin collection days from Monday 5 February to Friday 1 March 2024, or until their bin lid is swapped for a red lid. Once their lid has been swapped, community members can place their kerbside rubbish bin out on bin collection days as normal. Old lids will be recycled and turned into new kerbside bins. This project is supported by funding from the Victorian Government. For more information on the bin lid changes go to www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/ redbinlids.
For general information about waste services in Cardinia Shire go to https://www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/waste
Upgraded Playgrounds for Beaconsfield

Look out for upgrades to the playgrounds at Jim Parkes and Village Green reserves in Beaconsfield.
Families will be able to create wonderful new memories at these new playgrounds, which will be upgraded as part of Council’s annual playground renewal program.
To keep up to date with these projects, head to the Creating Cardinia engagement website for the latest updates. https://www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay
Station Street Beaconsfield Level Crossing Removal Project:
Station Street Beaconsfield has now commenced major construction, with piling works for the bridge commenced in the middle of November and earthworks commencing early in 2024, with structural elements of the bridge to commence mid to later 2024.
From November to mid-December the Pakenham Line has no trains running which will see some additional works around the site, including the closure of the underpass for separate works on the rail bridge by Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM).
Council is strongly advocating to LXRP for improvement in the following areas of the project being to keep community disruptions to a minimum and all residents, schools and other stakeholders constantly updated, the improved connectivity of all pathways, heritage property protection, close monitoring of all significant trees and the Cardinia Creek wetlands areas, carparking, urban design and visually amenity and crime prevention.
Council fully supports the community’s request for a community reference group for the Beaconsfield removal project. Council will continue to advocate to the Level Crossing Removal Project group to implement a reference group.
Brunt Road Level Crossing Removal Project:
Construction of all major earthworks is close to completion and the structural bridge elements over the rail has commenced.
Council has completed the full extension of Pioneer Way and Brunt Road intersection upgrade including a new roundabout ready for the 2024 school year with new local schools opening for students.
LXRP are holding a free community Christmas event in Dodson Reserve on the 9th December with all residents encouraged to attend.
Connection for all traffic onto the new road bridge over the railway is due for 2024, with full construction and landscaping due to be completed 2025.
We encourage residents to sign up to the SMS service which provides updates on disruptions and closures in the area.
Draft Equestrian Strategy launched for feedback
A review is being undertaken of the 2014 Equestrian Strategy. A new draft Strategy has been released for consultation.
Equestrian is a popular activity in Cardinia Shire with approximately 1,000 equestrian club participants and more than 20 clubs operating, in addition to informal trail users.
The Draft Equestrian Strategy 2023 – 2033 contains recommendations to:
• plan, deliver and maintain equestrian trails and facilities where they are most needed
• increase equestrian participation through improved access to trails and facilities, and better information about equestrian clubs and services
• enhance the promotion of equestrian trails and facilities, and partnerships that support activations, events and infrastructure.
The community can speak to Council staff and have their say on the new strategy at the following drop-in sessions:
• Monday 4 December, 5pm to 6pm, Hills Hub, Emerald
• Tuesday 12 December, 4pm to 5pm, Cardinia Civic Centre, Officer
To view the Draft Equestrian Strategy or provide feedback visit https://www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay
Container Deposit Scheme
Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme is here! Receive a 10¢ refund for every eligible can, carton or bottle returned.
Foodworks in Upper Beaconsfield is an Over-the-Counter refund location.
The scheme will continue to grow, with more than 600 locations planned by August 2024 across Victoria.
Recently the Officer Reverse Vending Machine was delivered to Club Officer on Niki Place, Officer. There will be further locations launched across Cardinia over the next few months. Council is advocating for a future refund facility to be situated in Beaconsfield in the near future.
For more information on the scheme and for further refund locations, please visit Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme https://www.cdsvic.org.au
Christmas cardboard drop-off event
Cardinia Shire residents are invited to drop off their excess cardboard and wrapping paper at the FREE Christmas cardboard drop-off event.
Hosted by Cardinia Shire Council, all cardboard and wrapping paper dropped off will be recycled, providing a sustainable solution for excess cardboard during the festive season.
Held at Future Re cycling Transfer Station in Pakenham, the event accepts unlimited residential loads of Cardboard (clean and dry) and paper only.
The event will run Thursday 28 Dec to Saturday 30 Dec and Thursday 4 Jan to Saturday 6 Jan. For more information, please visit – https://www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/dropoff
Merry Christmas
On behalf of Cardinia Shire Council, I would like to wish all residents a very Merry Christmas and an enjoyable festive season. Take care.
Cr Brett Owen
Ph: 0418 993 370
Email: b.owen@cardinia.vic.gov.au
facebook.com/Brett Owen – Ranges