Welcome to this Summer Edition of the Beaconsfield Banner. The Banner is available on our BPA website www.beaconsfield.org.au and printed copies are available from a number of local businesses including the Beaconsfield Post Office.
An important local issue is the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) and, in particular, the level crossing at Station Street, Beaconsfield. On behalf of members and the community, BPA organised a Zoom meeting with LXRP on Tuesday 25 October. The meeting was hosted by LXRP and went for half an hour mostly with their staff speaking. Questions were submitted online, however any questions with any reference to the Old Railway House were not discussed. The LXRP have stated a preferred option for a route diagonally south from the Goff St, Beaconsfield Ave and Station St intersection through the Old Railway House property (proposed to be compulsorily acquired and demolished) then an overpass bridge across the railway line and Kenilworth Ave and then joining a new roundabout at Kenilworth Ave. The only way to make representations to LXRP was to complete a survey which has now closed. A petition has been organised by some closely affected residents and hopefully the community will demonstrate their concerns to save this heritage listed house and sign the petition. The final plans for this LXRP project need to be approved by the Minister of Planning. There is considerable community support for the campaign to save the Old Railway House and Bunya Bunya tree.
The proposed capital works at Beaconsfield War Memorial and Bonette Reserve was discussed at the October BPA Meeting. Draft concept plans were presented at that meeting. Subsequently pop-up sessions at Bonette Reserve were held on Sunday 13th November and Wednesday 16th November. An online consultation format was available between 28th October and 25th November at www.cardinia.vic/gov.au/haveyoursay. BPA members and the community have provided Council with thoughts and comments for the design to best meet our community expectations.
Discussions are being held to consider the community interest in power saving initiatives, renewable energy and planning for a more environmentally friendly future. The Upper Beaconsfield Green Initiative Group have held meetings to discuss various issues including completion of a survey to establish community interest, green initiatives, partnerships with power companies, educating the community, etc. Two BPA members have attended these meetings. If you are interested in solar, home energy efficiency microgrids, and being part of a local Green Initiatives Group then please email secretary@beaconsfield.com.au so initial interest can be assessed.
At the Cardinia Shire Annual Statutory Council Meeting held on 7th November, Cr Tammy Radford was elected as Mayor and Cr Jack Kowarzik was elected as Deputy Mayor. We offer them our congratulations and best wishes for the year ahead in these important roles.
Unfortunately it has been determined that, due to excessive recent rain, Carols by the Creek will not be able to be held at Bob Burgess Reserve this year, and several other venues are either unavailable or unsuitable. The organisers had explored all the options but sadly have to cancel the event this year.
The Beaconsfield Banner is produced by volunteers with costs of printing and overhead expenses covered by advertising revenue and grants from Cardinia Shire Council and from Australian Government for Regional and Local Newspaper Publishers.
On behalf of the Beaconsfield Progress Association, I hope everyone enjoys a lovely Christmas with family and friends and best wishes for 2023.
Graeme Taylor
Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. Inc.
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