The Beaconsfield Football Club held their AGM in October with the following members of the Executive elected –
President – Troy Robinson (for his 8th season); Vice-Presidents – Mark Hornstra, Sponsorship – Scott Hilton, Footy Ops – Paul Matson; Junior Club Pres: Kym- Maree Ingram; Secretary – Andrea Cockayne; Treasurer – Nadine Bommert.
Life Memberships were awarded at our Presentation Night to long serving club people in Ian Meyer and Terry Lock and congratulations to both for this well deserved honour.

Pre-Season Training for the 2023 season commenced on 22nd November and will include Tues/Thursday sessions until Christmas break. The club is busy getting players and staff in place for a demanding second season in the strong Eastern FNL, and welcomes all newcomers to come along to Holm Park and get involved.
Another recent highlight of the year was the naming of our Team of the Decade 2011-2020 which had been delayed from previous seasons due to the impact of Covid. The unveiling took place on-line with a presentation to recipients planned for early in the 2023 season.
Another great local event which involved quite a few football identities was a “Living wake” for Betty and Brian Doble held in conjunction with their 90th birthdays. The Doble family were a massive part of the Junior and Senior football clubs from the early 1970’s and there were numerous Life Members gathered to share the occasion at the old clubrooms at Perc Allison Reserve.
The club continues to put on great live bands over the summer period with the Abba tribute band performing in December and more acts to follow. You can keep up with all activities via our Beaconsfield Football Club Facebook page.
You can find us at:
Facebook: @beaconsfieldfootballclub