Established 1986
“Because everyone deserves the gift of music”
Lockdown is over! MYC enjoyed its first face-to-face rehearsal at Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre on 3 November and looks forward to a strong finish to the year with a casual picnic/performance/awards event at Akoonah Park on 27 November.
Other events we had lined up for the rest of the year have been cancelled or postponed to 2022. While this is disappointing, lockdown has provided other opportunities. Choristers continued their education with online rehearsals and also participated in MYC’s inaugural Singathon. The Singathon raised around $1800; and the choristers who participated progressed in ways that we did not think possible in lockdown!
We’re really pleased to have been asked to perform in the Jack Rae Pavillion at Akoonah Park and appreciate the opportunity for choristers to share their work. It will be the first performance since the end of 2019. The calendar is full for next year…but if our plans don’t come off, we’re ready to jump back into online learning if necessary!

We congratulate the winners of the Westfield Fountain Gate Local Heroes grant. Our own nomination was in the top six, the community voting round, but did not win. However, we heartily congratulate the three winners and wish them all the best in their projects.
With thanks to the Department of Education, MYC enjoyed a special online event around the Children’s Week theme of “Children have the right to choose their own friends and interact safely with others”. Guest presenter Juliana Kay led the choristers in an exploration of the theme which became lyrics. This special song will form part of MYC’s repertoire in 2022.
We’re making good progress on our brand new choir for children who live with an intellectual disability. We plan to start at the beginning of 2022. We’re delighted to have received a Vichealth: Reimagining Health grant to cover start-up costs for this project and look forward to enabling choristers to reach their potential. Please spread the word about this choir and direct all enquiries to Kerry at
MYC needs a Board Secretary! Our current Secretary is a front-line health worker and needs to be fully committed to that role. Please contact Kerry at if you think you could help.
Thanks for your support. MYC can only continue to operate on a ‘pay what you can afford’ basis with your support. Get in touch to find out how you can help.