Welcome to this Summer Edition of the Beaconsfield Banner. The Banner is available on our BPA website www.beaconsfield.org.au and printed copies are available from a number of local businesses including the Beaconsfield Post Office.
The Banner is prepared by Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. volunteers with the only cost being printing done externally plus a share of the administrative costs of operating the Association. These costs are covered by advertising in the Banner and a grant from Cardinia Shire Council. If you would like to advertise in the Banner please email banner@beaconsfield.org.au.
A Demolition Order was granted to the owner for the Old Post Office building located at 19/21 Woods Street, damaged by a recent fire. The Old Post Office was demolished recently. The original building was one of the oldest in Beaconsfield and had a heritage overlay. Our Association, National Trust and locals objected against the demolition. Some original items from the old building were required to be kept and incorporated into any new replacement building as the heritage overlay remains on the property. Very disappointing for the preservation of local heritage!
The future of the Beaconsfield Reservoir and Nature Conservation Reserve is of interest to many in the community. Melbourne Water has recently released the Beaconsfield Dam Safety Upgrade Report on meeting current guidelines set by the Australian National Committee on Large Dams with strong emphasis on dam safety management principles. Over the last year, additional assessments were undertaken engaging independent ecologists to undertake environmental and conservation assessments and impact on lowering the water level. Four options were considered by Melbourne Water using multi-criteria analysis involving stakeholders and members of the community. The approved option was the partial decommissioning of the reservoir. This involves the reduction of the height of the embankment after a slow lowering of the water level from 98.5m to 94.0m over a 3 to 5 year period. Safety works include removal of redundant infrastructure, constructing a new energy dissipater and build a new spillway. The viewing platform will remain with potential landscaping by park management in consultation with Cardinia Environmental Coalition. This approved option was preferred by our Association for safety, environmental and conservation impact and community benefits.
In connection with the intersection of the Old Princes Highway and Desmond Court, submissions were made by Cr. Brett Owen, our Association and local residents to the Department of Transport on possible further improvements for the intersection. There has been no response yet from the Department of Transport.
The works for the upgrade of the Kath Roberts Reserve and playground equipment were completed and an official opening was held on 6 November. Our Association has assisted with the design of an interpretation sign for the park. Speakers at the opening were Mayor Cr. Brett Owen, Tien Kieu MP for South East Metropolitan and Jason Wood MP Member for La Trobe. Others attending included Elizabeth Markham and Andrew Downey – grandchildren of Kath Roberts, Cardinia Shire councillors and BPA representatives. It was pleasing to see the upgraded playground officially opened and being used.
At the Cardinia Shire Annual Statutory Council Meeting held on 8 November, we congratulate Cr. Jeff Springfield on being elected as Mayor and Cr. Tammy Radford on being elected as Deputy Mayor. Thanks to Cr. Brett Owen for his work as Mayor during the past twelve months.
The Council’s Open Air Burning Policy has featured recently. The OAB Policy for the coming year was amended to allow additional days for burning-off on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. This commences on 22 November until the commencement of the Declared Fire Danger Period. Our Association advocated for this extension due to extra fuel from recent storms. Also, proposed Local Law 20 – Open Air Fires Laws due to apply from 1 February, 2022 was distributed for public comment. There were a number of changes to the existing Policy. In particular, a new Urban and Township Zone was included which only allows burn-offs at the discretion of Council after permits are applied for each burn-off. This will affect many properties in Beaconsfield previously allowed to have burn-offs subject to certain conditions but without needing permits. Alternative use of Green Bins for this purpose is not practical. Many submissions were received throughout the Shire and we await the outcome.
Our Association is planning to again have a drive-in outdoor movie to be held on Australia Day 2022. Planning is well underway with details to be publicised shortly. This will be a family friendly event and we have been successful in receiving a grant from Cardinia Shire Council to cover the costs.
Carols by the Creek will again be presented by Beaconsfield Baptist Church online due to ever changing Covid-19 regulations. It will be held on Sunday 19 December.
On behalf of Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. I trust everyone enjoys a lovely Christmas with family and friends and best wishes for 2022.
Graeme Taylor
Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. Inc.
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