Graeme Taylor
Welcome to this Summer Edition of the Beaconsfield Banner. I trust that you are successfully navigating your way through these uncertain times with the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown 2.0. With sporting clubs and other organisations still in recess or operating on a very limited basis not all the usual articles are available for this edition.
In accordance with our previous commitment, we will continue to produce the Banner hence this Summer Edition is being produced but probably with less content. The Banner is available on our BPA Website and printed copies are available from a number of local businesses including the Beaconsfield Post Office.
The Banner is prepared by Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. volunteers with the only cost being printing done externally plus a share of the administrative costs of operating the Association. These costs are covered by advertising in the Banner and a grant from Cardinia Shire Council. If you would like to advertise in the Banner please email
Elections for Cardinia Shire Councillors were held on 24 October. Parts of Beaconsfield are in the new Beacon Hills and the new Officer Wards. Each Ward is represented by 1 Councillor. Congratulations to Brett Owen and Tammy Radford who were elected to represent those Wards. Our Association will work with these elected Councillors for the betterment of Beaconsfield.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, Carols by the Creek will be presented this year online by Beaconsfield Baptist Church on 20 December. The format of the Carols will be similar to previous years with singing of Carols, tell stories of Christmas and share hope. This is a great initiative to enjoy local Carols from your home.
Our Association conducted an ISO Competition incorporating the Iris Lewis award. Many entries were received from young students writing about enduring Covid-19, lockdown 2.0 and remote learning. All students were acknowledged for their participation which was of high standard.
Our Association is continuing to prepare for an Outdoor Movie Night and Family Picnic on Australia Day. The location and format for the night will need to be assessed closer to the holding of the Event and take into account Covid-19 restrictions applicable at the time. It is hoped that this free community event will be held. We will keep residents informed on our Website and Facebook page.
There has been a number of public meetings and also public information sessions by Melbourne Water on the Refurbishment of the Beaconsfield Reservoir. The Beaconsfield Reservoir was constructed in 1918 to provide a reliable water supply to the Mornington Peninsula. Water was fed from the Tarago Channel via an Aqueduct to Beaconsfield Reservoir. The water supply was disconnected in the early 1990’s. To manage the Dam and Infrastructure and ensure safety of surrounding areas, Melbourne Water needs to undertake works to minimise risks posed by the Dam. After extensive consultation, Melbourne Water has adopted the most popular Partial Safety Upgrade Option which I support. This involves reducing the water level and the dam wall by approx.5 meters. This Option will minimise any future risks posed and improve biodiversity. This option includes works so the community can enjoy this beautiful Reserve. These works include boardwalks, wetlands areas, paths and walking trails, viewing platforms, toilets and shelters. Final Plans for the Refurbishment and the Business Plan are to be released soon. I note that some people are advocating for the alternative Full Safety Upgrade Option to retain the height of Dam Wall and existing water level. However, I understand that this alternative option does not include the works noted above and, for safety reasons, would not allow the Reserve to be open for the public to use in the foreseeable future.
The planning for the upgrade of the Kath Roberts Reserve and Playground Equipment is proceeding with five alternative concept plans being submitted by Cardinia Shire Council for community feedback. This project is included in the Council’s Capital 2020/21 Budget and we look forward to a rejuvenation of this Park.
It is pleasing to see that the new roadworks, footpaths and associated works in Kenilworth Avenue have been completed. Reinstatement works continue on the burnt-out shops on Old Princes Highway. The recent fire at O My Restaurant in Woods Street at the renovated former Post Office property was sad for the business owners.
At present, we are unable to have monthly public meetings however the Committee is holding monthly meetings on Zoom to attend to necessary business matters. When more Covid-19 restrictions are lifted and we can have public Meetings, we will publicise this on our Website and Facebook. Recently we held our Annual General Meeting on Zoom.
On behalf of Beaconsfield Progress Association, I wish everyone an enjoyable Christmas and a wonderful 2021.
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