Welcome to this Summer Edition 2019/2020 of the Beaconsfield Banner. I hope you enjoy reading the Banner which continues to inform residents on what is happening. The Banner is available on our BPA Website www.beaconsfield.org.au and printed copies are available from a number of local businesses including the Beaconsfield Post Office.
The BPA Annual General Meeting was held on 15 October. All Office-holders and Committee of Management were re-elected with the addition of Viv Williams and Robert Cooper as Committee Members. The Executive of BPA is looking forward to the next year and continuing the work done as in prior years.
Following the Annual General Meeting, a General Meeting was held with Cardinia Shire Senior Engineers Peter Benazic and Andrew Barr as Guest Speakers. Topics covered included Old Princes Hwy. upgrades at O’Neil and Glismann Roads intersections, Monash Freeway upgrade, car parking including at the Railway Station, Footpaths, Kennilworth Ave. road construction, waste recycling, Shire Infrastructure spending and Asset Management. An excellent attendance of members and residents were able to hear their local issues discussed. Thanks to our Guest Speakers for a very informative presentation. The progress of Projects undertaken by the Shire, eg. The Old Princes Highway Intersections upgrades can be viewed on the Shire’s Website.
Our Association continues to make representations to Councils, State and Commonwealth Governments on local issues. It was pleasing to see that our advocating against the 80 kmph speed limit that existed in some sections of the Old Princes Highway has been reduced to 70 kmph to have a uniform speed limit applying to all sections of the Old Princes Highway in Beaconsfield was successful. The new 70 kmph speed limit now applies.
Cardinia Shire Council has proposed recommendations for improvements to the Beaconsfield Shopping Centre Carpark to improve vehicle access and pedestrian safety. This includes Give Way line markings, provision or upgrading of Zebra crossings, improved signage and line markings, pedestrian access paths and repairs to an overhead barrier. Our Association will be involved in this process.
Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. Inc. is the voice of the community and is always willing to advocate on township matters. We welcome visitors to our meetings and new members to further the work being undertaken to benefit Beaconsfield. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at the Beaconsfield Community Complex commencing at 7.30pm and finishing at 9pm.
In the next few months, BPA is involved in a number of events namely Christmas Windows Competition, Carols to be held at Holm Park Reserve and the Australia Day Outdoor Movie. These Events are detailed separately in this issue of the Beaconsfield Banner. Thanks to all the members organising or assisting with these Events and I hope that the community get involved. We appreciate the Grant provided by Cardinia Shire Council to assist BPA financially with the Australia Day Outdoor Movie and also for the financial assistance to produce the Beaconsfield Banner and pay for required insurances.
On behalf of our Association, I wish everyone an enjoyable Christmas and a wonderful 2020.
Graeme Taylor
Beaconsfield Progress Association Inc.
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