It has been an honour to serve as Mayor of the community that I have lived in all my life and chosen to raise my family in. Thank you to those who welcomed me so warmly into their groups and activities. Council has achieved so much in the last 12 months and has many projects in the pipeline. In November council elected our new Mayor, Cr Collin Ross from Central Ward.
Construction of the Holm Park Recreation Reserve carpark will commence soon. The sealing of the northern carpark and associated access roads is funded by Council and the Australian Government. Works are expected to be completed by the end of summer.
The final design of the Beaconsfield Skate Park at Holm Park Reserve has been adopted. The final design was developed with extensive input of Beaconsfield’s skaters (refer page 11). The skate park is expected to be completed by April, 2018.
Council will be conducting a master plan for the O’Neil Road Recreational Reserve. This plan will help guide council for the long term uses of the reserve. Locations of vehicular and pedestrian access, car parking, playing surface/s and change rooms will be considered. Community consultation on a draft plan will be available for resident comment early in the new year.
The construction of Kenilworth Avenue has commenced. The project will be completed in two stages. The first stage extends from Brunt Road to the Princes Highway underpass. The project is being delivered by a developer as part of the Development Contributions Fund to the approximate value of $2.5 million. The works also includes a shared pathway on the railway line side of the road that will eventually link to the Beaconsfield township. The construction has been long awaited and will alleviate the existing amenity issues for the Kenilworth Avenue residents in this section. Speed control devices will be installed and the speed limit along the road with be dropped to 60km/hr to create a safe environment for all road users.

Stage 2 works, to complete the Kenilworth Avenue connection to Beaconsfield township, planned for construction in the next financial year.
Council is currently undertaking a Planning Amendment, C220 which implements the objectives and strategies of the Beaconsfield Structure Plan (December 2013) into the Cardinia Planning Scheme. The amendment does not propose any new content, but is a direct translation of the objectives and strategies from the Beaconsfield Structure Plan into the Cardinia Planning Scheme with a planning ‘tool’ called a Design and Development Overlay (DDO). The DDO’s are a tool which clearly outlines what the town centre should look like in the future, which includes building height, the importance of windows and uses such as Cafés which make the streets safer, how far the building should be set back from the street and the types of colours and materials that should be used. This makes it clear to the community, developers and Council planners about what is required for development applications.
On behalf of Cardinia Shire Council, I wish residents a very merry Christmas, enjoy this festive season with family and friends and stay safe. We wish you all the best for 2018.
If you would like to contact us, please see our contact details below.
Cr Brett Owen
Ph: 0418 993 370
Email: b.owen@cardinia.vic.gov.au
facebook.com/Brett Owen – Ranges
Cr Jeff Springfield
Ph: 0427 383 810
Email: j.springfield@cardinia.vic.gov.au
Cr Leticia Wilmot
Ph: 0427 135 879
Email: l.wilmot@cardinia.vic.gov.au