Welcome to this Spring edition of the Beaconsfield Banner. The Banner is available on our BPA website www. beaconsfield.org.au and printed copies are available in the town at businesses including the Beaconsfield Post Office and Beaconsfield Pharmacy.
A significant local issue we are dealing with is the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) and, in particular, the Level Crossing at Station Street, Beaconsfield. Work on the Project continues at a fast rate and, at times, works are happening 24/7. In particular, works have continued on the Road Bridge Overpass which is overwhelming in size and will significantly change the landscape. In July, there was a high amount of rainfall causing flooding of Cardinia Creek and the retarding basin other than in the vicinity of areas where the overpass is which have been built up. The machinery to drive pylons into the ground were very noisy and repetitious which must be annoying for the local residents. A meeting was held online recently with the LXRP Authority updating the works being done. A meeting with Michael Galea MP was held for local residents to discuss concerns with the LXRP Authority Works.
Beaconsfield Reservoir and Beaconsfield Nature Conservation Reserve (BNCR)
Earlier this year, it was pleasing to note that Melbourne Water have commenced a slow drawdown of the Reservoir. The drawdown will be over 3 years reducing the water level by 4.85M AHD. There will be extended areas of wetlands to enhance the ecology. This accords to the Melbourne Water Partial Upgrade Plan which is preferred by BPA, Inc. We look forward to future works including amenities in the BNCR so that the Reservoir and BNCR are a safe park which the public can access and enjoy in the future.
There is a lot of activity near Beaconsfield-Emerald Road in the Berwick Views Estate to replace the three Boardwalks. The Boardwalk closest to the carpark entrance has now been replaced with an attractive timber bridge. The second boardwalk alongside Fieldstone Blvd. and Lakeside Terrace has now been replaced with retaining walls and new gravel paths . The third boardwalk on Beaconsfield- Emerald Road has now been replaced with a steel platform and is awaiting the new decking.

The Beaconsfield CFA recently held their annual awards ceremony. We were privileged to be invited to attend and we congratulate all recipients of the awards and we are so thankful to our CFA for their care and protection of our town and residents. They attend to call outs 24 /7.
BPA recently received a Cardinia Shire Wellbeing Support Grant for our Operation Christmas Trees at Beacy Project. After last year’s fabulous Christmas Trees Display, we would really like to have Beaconsfield looking great this year and we hope you can help us out. Please contact us at secretary@beaconsfield.org.au if you would like to help out.
Cardinia Shire Council has honoured the late Rob Porter of Officer with renaming the Officer Recreation Reserve to the Rob Porter Recreation Reserve. We were able to attend the renaming of the Reserve and heard Cr Brett Owen speak about the amazing contribution Rob and his family have made to Officer and the District.

Works have commenced on the Jim Parkes Reserve upgrade. We attended the Sod Turn in June and works commenced soon after and should be completed in September/ October. There was extensive consultation with the community to discuss the upgrade of most of the Reserve and playground equipment. The original Digger will be reinstalled later as part of the project. This Reserve has always been popular with children particularly due to being close to Beaconsfield Primary School.
Our Incorporated Association will hold its Annual General Meeting on 15 October at the Beaconsfield Community Complex commencing at 7.30 pm. All local residents and business owners are most welcome to attend. All the Association Office Bearers’ positions are declared vacant and if you would like to be a member or Office Bearer or just attend please contact us at secretary@beaconsfield.org.au at least 7 days before the Annual General Meeting. Our General Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month except January and December starting at 7.30pm.
Graeme Taylor
Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. Inc.