Beacy Ball Kids
Congratulations to BTC Juniors, Kai McQualter and Jaxson Westling. Kai has made it through the selection trials for the 2025 Australia Open ball kids. Kai had a great experience in January this year and will once again be strutting his stuff next year… keep an eye out for him on TV.

Jaxson Westling, was chosen to be one of the ball boys at the Australia vision impaired tennis tournament in July. He has also been asked to work at the wheelchair tennis event coming soon.
Beaconsfield Tennis Club couldn’t be prouder of both these boys. They have both shown bravery, resilience, and sportsmanship as they strive for more challenges in the game of tennis.
Coaching Award Finalists
Congratulations to Coach Paul and Coach Tyler on reaching the list of Finalists for the 2024 Tennis Coaches Australia Awards. Paul is in the running for the ’Coach of the Year’ award and Tyler is a finalist for the ’Rookie Coach of the Year’ category. Beaconsfield Tennis Club would like to wish them both all the best in the upcoming award ceremony. Go Beacy!

Welcome to Coach Aditi
Beaconsfield Tennis Club would like to offer a huge welcome to Coach Aditi who has recently arrived from India to join Ossie’s Tennis Coaching team. Head Coach, Paul Osbourne worked with the AATC – Australasian Academy of Tennis Coaches to secure Aditi’s visa. She will join our other international coaching team, Coach Raja, from India, and Coach Franco from Argentina. Together with all our other talented coaches, our students are in for some fun this season.
Interclub Competition
Midweek Women’s Comp
For the ladies, our club participates in the Dandenong and District Tennis Association competition on both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings commencing at 9:30.
Contact Anja Potter 0437 074 287
Junior competition
For both girls and boys up to the age of 18, our club participates in the Berwick and District Tennis Association on both Saturday and Sunday mornings commencing at 8:00am.
Contact Brad Meates 0405 428 208
Senior competition
Our club participates in the WDTA on Saturday afternoons and is open to all ladies and gentlemen.
Contact Adrian Walsh 0425 747 615
Social Competition
Monday/Wed night mixed Comp
Beaconsfield and Officer have two social competitions in collaboration with each other. Wednesday night social is for all abilities for all ages. It’s a great night out for those who like a game of tennis but don’t take it very seriously. For the more experienced serious player, Beaconsfield/Officer have a Monday night advanced hitters’ competition. The format is Rubbers with teams of two. Price per night for both Monday and Wednesday night competitions: Members $5 and Non members $10. Contact Maurie on 0437 759 793 for Wednesday night social and contact Josh McCormick on 0458 869 252 for Advanced Hitters.
Veterans Day Social
For a Sunday morning social hit, come down to the courts at around 8:00 am for a social hit and free coffee from the canteen.
Contact Les Donaldson 0409 435 121
Women’s Social
Casual hit with other women from Beaconsfield Tennis Club. Members are free. Non-members $5. Monday mornings commencing at 9:30.
Contact Anja Potter 0437 074 287
Casual Court Hire
$15 per court (per hour)
Book a court is now available through our website:
Go to Court hire and follow the links. The synthetic grass courts are available for hire only when not in use. Competitions and coaching take precedence.
Main Contact Details:
All General Queries Ph: (03) 8820 5853
Facebook: Beaconsfield Tennis Club Community
Mail: P.O. Box 132, Beaconsfield, VICTORIA, 3807
Coach: Ossie’s Tennis Coaching
Ph: 0413 594 633