Revitalisation of Jim Parkes Reserve – Souter Street, Beaconsfield
Council has turned the first sod to mark the revitalisation of the Jim Parkes Reserve in Beaconsfield. Featuring a new playground, open space, gathering areas, landscaping and a new shelter, the site upgrade has been informed by local community consultation. The Jim Parkes Reserve revitalisation is supported and funded by Council and the Victorian Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund. These works will provide additional opportunities for recreation, relaxation and play and really bring the community together.

The reserve’s concept plan was adopted in 2023 following community consultation. The reserve upgrade is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
For more information on Jim Parkes Reserve, please visit – -beaconsfield
Beaconsfield “Coronel Wetlands” Boardwalk Renewals
To improve community safety and access, the existing timber boardwalk is being replaced with different materials including new timber, retaining walls and granitic sand footpaths.
The wooden bridge at the southern end of the wetlands (near the shops) and the improved paths near the section of the wetlands at Fieldstone and Scenic Boulevard are now complete.
The works for the replacement of the extensive boardwalk along the Beaconsfield-Emerald Road to the north of Fieldstone Boulevard continues. The board walk screw poles, steel structure and concrete abutments are complete.
Unfortunately, there has been a delay in the delivery of decking material. It was originally intended to be installed in August, but due to supply issues it is envisaged that this will be installed in September. Some footpath realignment will also occur after the deck is installed.
These works are being completed as part of Council’s Bridge Renewal program.
Book a FREE hard waste collection
Want to get ahead of the spring clean? Book your FREE hard waste collection!
Each Cardinia Shire household gets 2 free hard waste collections per year.
Just in March this year we collected 348.06 tonnes worth of hard waste collections. This included about 686 mattress and 228 tyres that were recycled and saved from landfill.
Before you decide to put something out for hard rubbish, consider whether the item could be repurposed or donated. Please remember to make a booking BEFORE putting any waste out. Additional collections can be booked at a cost.
To book a hard waste service:
Get Summer ready with Council’s FREE green waste drop-off events
Council’s free green waste drop-off events are a great way to clean up your yard and reduce your fire fuel load throughout the year.
Our June event at Future Recycling, Pakenham had 412 vehicles drop off nearly 90 tonnes of green waste. That is nearly the same weight as 65 Toyota Corollas!
Lysterfield – Monday 7 to Sunday 13 October
Cleanaway Resource Recovery Centre
840 Wellington Rd, Lysterfield
Monday to Friday: 8am – 3:30pm
Saturday: 8:30am – 11:30am
Pakenham – Monday 9 to Saturday 14 December
Future Recycling Transfer Station
30-32 Exchange Drive, Pakenham
Monday to Friday: 7:30am – 4pm
Saturday: 8am – 2:30pm
For more information –
Emerald Lake Park – Visitors Parking Pass
All annual car parking passes are valid until 31 August and must be renewed each year. Failure to display your pass on your windscreen with the expiry date visible from outside the vehicle may result in a parking infringement.
All Cardinia residents can enjoy free parking at Emerald Lake Park if their vehicle has a current annual car parking pass.
To apply for a pass: apply online https:// b1d255beb4a3
Experience ‘Grow’: a sustainable farming story told through art
‘Grow’ – an innovative art exhibition planting the seed for the future of farming in Cardinia Shire – is coming to Cardinia Cultural Centre this August!
The exhibition will be on show at Cardinia Cultural Centre (40 Lakeside Boulevard, Pakenham) from 2 August to 22 September 2024. Admission to the exhibition is free, and no booking is required.
Featuring powerful photographs, complemented by June 2024 7 imaginative artworks and props, the exhibition depicts the rewards and dreams for sustainable agriculture and local farmers in Cardinia Shire. Collectively, the display offers a visually compelling narrative that bridges the present and future of this vital industry.
More information
• For more information about ‘Grow’ or other exhibitions at Cardinia Cultural Centre, visit exhibitions or call 1300 887 624.
• For more information or enquiries about the Futureproofing Farming in Cardinia Shire project, visit futureproofingfarming, email or call Council’s Customer Support team on 1300 787 624.
Rob Porter Recreation Reserve
Earlier this year the Porter Family, Officer Recreation Reserve Asset Committee and Council worked together with Geographical Names Victoria to rename the Officer Recreation Reserve in honour of the late Rob Porter.
Rob Porter’s remarkable dedication and immeasurable contribution over more than 50 years has made the reserve a very cherished community facility. Rob’s impact on the Officer township and the wider community was incredible and his legacy will never be forgotten.
On Saturday the 3rd of August there was an event to officially unveil the new reserve sign, signifying that the Officer Recreation Reserve will now be known as the Rob Porter Recreation Reserve.
Cr Brett Owen
Cardinia Shire Office, Beacon Hills Ward
Mobile: 0418 993 370
Office: 1300 787 624
P.O. Box 7, Pakenham 3810