Make and Mingle friendship and craft group meets every Wednesday 10 am – 12 noon during school term at Beaconsfield Baptist Church, 7 Desmond Court.

There are lots of knitting projects and paper craft. As well as knitting for family many knitted items are donated to others, both locally and overseas. The group has also been making quilts and carry bags.
You can learn a new craft or bring your own craft project to work on or just come along for a cuppa and a chat.

Make and Mingle’s famous craft fair will be held on Saturday November 11th 9am-2pm. make a note in your diaries. This year there will be more stall holders with handmade craft, just in time for your Christmas gifts. There will be craft supplies as well as face painting and balloon animals for the children. Complimentary tea and coffee are available, and entry is free.
For information contact: