Welcome to this Spring edition of the Beaconsfield Banner. The Banner is available on our BPA website www.beaconsfield.org.au and printed copies are available from a number of local businesses including the Beaconsfield Post Office.
The most significant local issue we are dealing with is the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) and, in particular, the Level Crossing at Station Street, Beaconsfield. This project identified the potential losses of the heritage Bunya Bunya tree as well as the heritage Railway House built circa 1888 located at 20 Beaconsfield Avenue. After community representations, the LXRP revised plans whereby the heritage significant parts of the Railway House and the Bunya Bunya Tree will be saved. The LXRP have maintained their preferred option for a route diagonally south from Goff Street, Beaconsfield Avenue and Station Street intersection through the Old Railway House property (to be compulsorily acquired) with an overpass bridge across the railway line and Kenilworth Avenue and then joining a new roundabout at Kenilworth Avenue. Recently I looked at the worksite for LXRP Station Street, Beaconsfield Project. I was amazed at the size of the building site with all the equipment, portable rooms for the workers, fencing , the noise affecting neighbours and the loss of most of the railway station’s carpark. It will certainly radically change Beaconsfield and be disruptive with construction taking two or more years. We need the community to continue advocacy on this project to obtain a favourable outcome for the area.
Since the Melbourne Water letterbox drop in April/May there is nothing further to report on the Beaconsfield Dam Safety Upgrade Project. Melbourne Water have maintained their position that the Partial Upgrade Option remains their preference and are proceeding with the project with the water level reduced over a three year period.
This Partial Upgrade Option was supported by our Association in all our submissions including to Melbourne Water. It is noted that this announcement only deals with the dam safety. Public access issues will be addressed by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.
I attended Jim Parkes Reserve for a forum held by Cardinia Shire Council staff to discuss the Redevelopment Masterplans and provide feedback for Stage 1. The redevelopment plan has play areas for juniors and seniors, picnic area with shelter, exercise area, bocce court, seating, shade sails, dry creek bed, deciduous urban forest and Australian native planting.
Recently I have attended annual awards nights for both Beaconsfield Fire Brigade and Beaconsfield Upper Fire Brigade. The work done by our local CFA’s is much appreciated by the community and the commitment by volunteers over many years is amazing.
On a personal note, it was sad to hear of the passing of David Brewster. As a child he lived in the Holm Park property before living in a Holm Park Road property for many years. He lived in Tasmania for the past 20+ years. David was well known and active in the Beaconsfield area and was a life member of the Beaconsfield CFA.

Our meeting on Tuesday, 17 October will be our Annual General Meeting as well as a public General Meeting. We are hoping to have a guest speaker. All positions of BPA will be declared vacant and elections held for the positions for the next twelve months. If you are community minded and would like to attend our meetings or be an office bearer we would love to see you or hear from you. Our meetings are held at the Beaconsfield Community Complex on the third Tuesday of each month from 7.30 pm to 9 pm.
Graeme Taylor
Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. Inc.