Welcome to this Spring Edition of the Beaconsfield Banner. The Banner is available on our BPA Website www.beaconsfield.org.au and printed copies are available from a number of local businesses including the Beaconsfield Post Office.
Open Air Fires Local Law 20
Cardinia Shire Council’s Open Air Fires Local Law 20 changes were adopted at the Council Meeting held on 20 June, 2022. There were some changes to the existing policy. In particular, a new Urban and Township Zone was included which only allows burn-offs at the discretion of Council after permits are applied for each burn-off. At that meeting, it was adopted that properties north of Holm Park Road (nos. 41-123) be zoned as Bushland and Peri-Urban, and would be able to burn-off without a permit on four specific days of the week and with a permit on the other three days. This policy is subject to future reviews.
Community Power Hubs
As reported in the previous Beaconsfield Banner, work is being undertaken to consider the community interest in power saving initiatives, renewable energy and planning for a more environmentally friendly future. Community Power Hubs are being established across Victoria to assist communities to facilitate and implement renewable energy projects.
If you are interested in Solar, Home Energy Efficiency microgrids and being part of a local Power Hub, please email secretary@beaconsfield.com.au so initial interest in Beaconsfield can be assessed.
Pink Hill Hotel
The construction of this Hotel appears to be well advanced. The Hotel is on Pink Hill Boulevard and overlooks Beaconsfield township. It will be a multifunction Hotel with facilities that patrons expect from new licenced venues.
Beaconsfield Banner
The Beaconsfield Banner is produced by Beaconsfield Progress Assoc Volunteers with the only direct cost being the printing done externally
plus a share of administrative costs. These costs are covered by advertisements in the Beaconsfield Banner and also a Grant of $900 from Cardinia Shire Council. If you would like to advertise in the Beaconsfield Banner or write some articles, please email banner@beaconsfield.org.au
Due to Covid restrictions, we have been holding meetings using Zoom, however we will recommence having our monthly meetings at the Beaconsfield Community Centre commencing with the September meeting. We encourage and welcome residents and local business people to attend our meetings and air your concerns, opinions, raise issues or just come and hear local issues discussed. Our meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday of the month commencing at 7.30pm at the Beaconsfield Community Complex, 9 O’Neil Road, Beaconsfield. In recent years we have produced Quarterly Beaconsfield Banners, held Outdoor Movie Nights on Australia Day and held Anzac Memorial Services. Our monthly meetings are usually attended by Cardinia Shire Councillor(s) and often have guest speakers. The October meeting incorporates the Annual General Meeting and will have a guest speaker(s) from the Level Crossing Removal Authority.
Graeme Taylor
Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. Inc.
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