Creating greater access – Perc Allison Reserve
Thanks to support from Council, seven projects totalling almost $300,000 were delivered as part of the 2021/22 Access Upgrade program of works.
One of the projects was the new accessible toilet upgrades at the Perc Allison Reserve in Beaconsfield.
Council’s Access Upgrade program aims to provide liveable spaces and reduce barriers to participation within the community.
Participating fully in all aspects of life is the right of all, and these upgrades will be a welcome addition. For more information go to

Beacon Hills Ward Cr Brett Owen visited the Perc Allison Reserve with Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee members Ron Harmer and Michael Wright to take a look at the upgrades.
Are you keen to join the Friends of Cardinia Creek Sanctuary?
The Friends of Cardinia Creek Sanctuary is an active group of volunteers working towards maintaining a healthy ecosystem.
The group meet regularly at Akoonah Park to remove environmental and noxious weeds to encourage natural regeneration within the Beaconsfield Flora and Fauna Reserve and surrounding areas. In planting season, the group plant local native flora. For more, visit Friends of Cardinia Creek Sanctuary on Facebook @friendsofcardiniacreeksanctuary
Cardinia Creek Regional Parklands
The Cardinia Creek Regional Parklands will encompass more than 600ha of parkland from Beaconsfield to Clyde on both sides of Cardinia Creek.
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), have been undertaking the Cardinia Creek Regional Parklands Future Directions Plan refresh project in conjunction with the project partners. The project partners include Parks Victoria, Cardinia Shire Council, City of Casey, Melbourne Water, and DELWP. Other invited project partners include the Committees of Management for Akoonah Park and Beaconsfield Recreation Reserve, and Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation.
At its heart, the plan recognises and embeds the rights and values of the Traditional Owners, the Bunurong people, in the planning and management of the Parklands, and responds to the continued urban expansion in the region. It responds to the pressing need to mitigate climate change, protect, and enhance biodiversity, and contribute to improved community health and wellbeing. The Plan aims to create a shared vision and commitment for the co-management of the expanded parklands to collaboratively expand Cardinia Creek Regional Parklands by working towards a continuous chain of parks and reserves. It will form the basis for design and implementation planning of the Parklands over the next 10-15 years and will help shape future funding and partnership opportunities.
The draft Cardinia Creek Future Directions Plan sets out principles and direction for progressive parklands expansion, establishment, and management to be achieved by 2040.
The draft Plan was open for community consultation and all feedback regarding the Draft Cardinia Creek Regional Parklands Future Directions Plan is being reviewed, due for completion in October 2022.
LXRP upgrades of Brunt Road and Station Street Beaconsfield
The Victorian Government is removing 85 dangerous and congested level crossings by 2025, including the level crossings at Brunt Road and Station Street in Beaconsfield. The level crossings will be removed by building new road bridges over the Pakenham Line. Removing these level crossings will help to create a level crossing-free Pakenham Line, which will change how locals live, work and travel. Early site investigations are underway, with the project expected to be complete by 2025. Early works are due to commence on Brunt Road towards the end of the year with major construction underway next year. For more information, visit
Brand new ‘Business Hub’
As part of ‘What’s on Cardinia’, Council has launched a brand new online ‘Find it’ Business Hub to help you navigate your way around the shire. The web-based Business Hub will be your one-stop site for all types of businesses and services, such as travel and tourism, providing information on attractions, meals out, places to stay, shopping hot spots and more! Head to the Business Hub on the What’s on Cardinia website and get some insider knowledge on all the best local businesses to visit. Are you a business owner? Make sure to list your business and put yourself on the map. It is free to create an online listing and you control the information locals see about your business. Help residents to find you and give people an opportunity to support local businesses by buying local.
Cardinia Shire Council launches new Access and Inclusion Disability Strategy and Action Plan
Cardinia Shire Council has officially launched its new Access and Inclusion Disability Strategy and Action Plan.
The new Disability Action Plan sets out what Council will do to make our workplace, services, programs and community more accessible to people with disability.
The new plan was developed based on extensive feedback from the community as well as disability sector service providers, advocates and organisations gathered through online surveys, a series of online workshops and in person pop-up events held across the shire.
For more information about Cardinia Shire Council’s Access and Inclusion Disability Strategy and Action Plan 2021 to 2026, visit
Council’s free Green Waste drop-off program
Cardinia Shire Council’s free green waste drop-off program is continuing through to December 2022.
Council’s green waste drop-off events are a free service accepting residential amounts of green waste including flowers, garden prunings, grass clippings, leaves, tree branches, weeds and trunks (up to 30 centimetres wide and 1 metre long).
Residents must present photo ID as proof of residence within Cardinia Shire to access the free service.
Waste will only be accepted from residential vehicles and trailers; commercial business operators cannot use this service.
The new dates announced include:
Lysterfield – Friday 14 to Monday 17 October 2022
Cleanaway Resource Recovery Centre
840 Wellington Rd, Lysterfield
Friday 14: 8am to 4pm
Saturday 15 and Sunday 16: 8am to 12pm (noon)
Monday 17: 8am to 4pm
Pakenham – Friday 2 to Monday 5 December 2022
Future Recycling Transfer Station
30-32 Exchange Drive, Pakenham
All days: 9am to 4pm
Don’t forget that Future Recycling Pakenham also accepts electrical items (e-waste), batteries and scrap metal for free, any time of year.
For more information about Council’s green waste drop-off events, visit or call Council’s Customer Service Team on 1300 787 624.
Cr Brett Owen
Ph: 0418 993 370
Email: Owen – Ranges