Council elections – October 2020
The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) has advised that local council elections will be held in Victoria by post in October 2020. Voters will receive a ballot pack in early October.
If you want to stand as a candidate, you can nominate from Thursday 17 September 2020.
Following the introduction of the Local Government Act 2020, the electoral structure of Cardinia Shire Council changed. Voters will be voting according to the new structure, which will come into effect at the election.
The new structure has Cardinia Shire Council divided into nine single councillor wards. Voters will elect one councillor per ward.
Beaconsfield is divided into two wards – Beacon Hills and Officer wards. (please see the ward maps to determine which ward you live in).
For more information about enrolment, voting and candidates please visit the VEC website: https://www.vec.vic.gov.au/
Beaconsfield Railway Station Car Park Upgrade
Construction of the additional 150 car parking spaces at the Beaconsfield Railway Station has commenced. Works will also include improved lighting and CCTV as well as new amenities to make cycling to the station easier, with a secure bike parkiteer and 16 additional bike hoops. This project is jointly funded by both the state and federal governments.
Latest updates to Council services
Current guidelines mean modifications to some Council services. For up-to-date info about Council facilities and services visit: www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/coronavirus
Council’s customer service centre at Officer is temporarily closed, but you can still contact us by phone or email, or access a range of online services via our website.
COVID19 Online Help Hub
Council’s COVID-19 Online Help Hub features a range of useful resources and information, and is supported by a dedicated team of staff who are on hand to help you find the information you need. More info: www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/onlinehelphub
Local support services and connection
Local groups can provide support during the COVID-19 pandemic, including financial support, housing assistance and food services. To view the directory visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/coronavirus
Community & Business support package
Council’s support package assists community members, support groups, and businesses to cope with the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and includes:
- COVID-19 Online Help Hub
- Interest-free periods for rates
- Rates payment plans and rebates for eligible rate payers
- Business Concierge service
- Rent relief options for commercial tenants in Council properties
- Rebates for some business fees and charges
People experiencing financial hardship are strongly encouraged to contact Council. Details and more info: www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/coronavirus
‘Connecting Cardinia’ online: distancing, not disconnecting
Upload images and videos, share stories and ideas and stay connected at this time online at ‘Connecting Cardinia’. Whether it’s sharing teddy bears in windows, tips to stay active, or home schooling set ups, you can join in at: www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/connectingcardinia
Cr Brett Owen
Ph: 0418 993 370
Email: b.owen@cardinia.vic.gov.au
facebook.com/Brett Owen – Ranges