Princes Highway intersection upgrades
Council has obtained federal government funding towards upgrading eight intersections along Princes Highway, including Glismann Road and O’ Neil Road. This funding will supplement Council funds to ensure the delivery of these intersection upgrades over the coming years. Council is engaging with consultants to progress the functional design of these intersections and then detailed designs. Once detailed designs are complete, council will then be at a stage to tender the works for construction.
Spring Reserves Roadshow
Cardinia Shire’s reserves will come to life this spring with a range of fun free activities and events for the whole community as part of our Spring Reserve Roadshow from 3 September until 25 November. Check out the full program of free events around the shire at:
Beautification Grants
Applications for Cardinia Council’s Shire Beautification Grants program open soon. Community groups and individuals can apply for grants of up to $2000 for landscape enhancement projects to help improve the appearance of Council-managed public open spaces. Projects will be funded on dollar-for-dollar matched funding basis. Grant applications close on Monday 25 November. Projects must be located in the shire and completed by 30 June 2020. www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/grants
Australia Day nominations
Nominations close Friday November 15. Nominate now at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/australiaday
Waste collections
Hard and green waste collections will be held across the shire from 28 October until 29 November.
If you are a Beaconsfield resident your hard waste week will be 04 Nov – 08 Nov 2019.
For more information : https://www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/hardwaste
Playground Renewal – Panorama Estate
Council is working with the community on plans for a new play space on Tantallon Boulevard/Hammerwood Green, Beaconsfield. The basic and insufficient existing playground will be removed and a new play space will be installed most likely adjacent to the basketball court. Council has budgeted $65,000 for the project.

Community consultation has commenced with 4-year-old kindergarten students from the Beaconsfield Children’s Hub. The children have shared their ideas on what they would enjoy seeing at the playground. Council will return to the centre shortly to further develop these ideas.
Council is interested in hearing your thoughts about the types of play equipment you would like incorporated in this upgraded play space. Please have your say on the design of the new playground via an online survey on Council’s website. For more information contact council or visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay
Letters will also be sent out to nearby homes to encourage residents to take part in designing this fantastic play space.
Beaconsfield’s other older playgrounds at Kath Roberts Reserve and Jim Parkes Reserve will also be upgraded in future council budgets.
Community Capital Works Grants
The Cardinia Shire Community Capital Works Grants program enables local community groups to upgrade community and recreation facilities to meet the varied needs of our community.
Recently Cardinia Shire Council has awarded over $330,000 in funding under the Community Capital Works Grants 2019–20 to 32 successful applicants.
Congratulations to the following Beaconsfield groups that were successful:
- Beaconsfield Kindergarten – Additional Flagpoles.
- Beaconsfield Junior Football – Electronic Scoreboard for Oval 2- Holm Park Reserve.
- Beaconsfield Netball Club – Refit of existing office and storeroom and the installation of an external drinking fountain.
Cr Brett Owen
Ph: 0418 993 370
Email: b.owen@cardinia.vic.gov.au
facebook.com/Brett Owen – Ranges
Cr Jeff Springfield
Ph: 0427 383 810
Email: j.springfield@cardinia.vic.gov.au
Cr Leticia Wilmot
Ph: 0427 135 879
Email: l.wilmot@cardinia.vic.gov.au