Our wonderful community members are obviously choosing to brave the windy, cold conditions as most of our programs for Term 3 have been very well attended. For a traditionally quiet time when many of our seniors head north for some sun, we have enjoyed having a busy Centre.

Members are keeping warm and active with Strength Training, Yoga, Line Dancing and Table Tennis. For the craftier members, patchwork, knitting, painting, sewing and pergamano are favourites.
Come and have a look! New faces are always welcome.
What is Pergamano you ask? You can make beautiful cards that look like paper lace with just a few tools in this fascinating course. You don’t have to be an artist, as the patterns can be traced. Join Pergamano Cards on Wednesdays from 12.45pm – 2.45pm to learn how.
Dinorangers will run a Fossil Finder Workshop during the next school holidays on Tuesday 2nd October from 10.30am – 11.30am.
Children will learn about dinosaurs, how to find fossils and will get to dig for them.
Book your child’s place now for only $20 to avoid disappointment.
Thanks to Cardinia Shire!
The Cardinia Shire Council recently approved a Community Well Being and Support Grant for our amazing knitting group, so they can continue purchasing wool and stuffing over the next year to produce the blankets, toys, beanies, scarves, mittens and other items for people in need through the 4Cs, Blessed Collective and Ambulance Service. Wool and stuffing donations are always gratefully received and new members welcome to join this rewarding group.
Also thanks to the Cardinia Shire Council, we have new solar panels installed on the roof of the Complex. We look forward to reduced bills when the sun shines again!
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM of Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre on:
Tuesday, October 16th from 1.00pm
The meeting will be held in The Beaconsfield Community Complex at 8 O’Neil Road, Beaconsfield in the Meeting Room.
Light refreshments will be included.
Can you donate a little of your time for a worthwhile cause? Nominate yourself or someone else to join our Committee of Management for 2018/2019.
Nomination forms and further details are available from the office.
We are hosting the Pakenham Bunnings Sausage Sizzle on:
Saturday 22nd of September
Come down and say hi and buy a delicious sausage to support the Centre.
Is there something else you want to see in your Neighbourhood Centre?
Tell us! We’ll do what we can to provide it.
BNC Children’s Room
Our newly planted garden provides great learning opportunities for our 3-Year-Old Kinder kids as well as a wonderful outdoor environment to play in. Our educators have had as much fun as the kids creating gorgeous art activities for when the weather is not very pleasant.
Our Playgroups are very popular, and most sessions are now full with waiting lists. Limited places may still be available this year so please do register your interest.

2019 Playgroup enrolment day will be on Monday November 26th from 9.00am.
We have a first come, first served policy for taking enrolments, so come early to avoid disappointment. A $20 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place.
Enrolments are also being taken now for our 2019 3-year-old kinder program and sessions are filling. Pick and choose session times and days to suit your own schedule and your child’s readiness. Central enrolment and the associated fees are not required – contact us directly to enrol now.
A $50 non-refundable deposit to confirm your place is due from September 3. This deposit is deducted from your Term 1 fees.
Our Children’s Room Holiday Program is currently scheduled to run on six days during the September holidays. Available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in both weeks, the fun will start on 25th of September from 10.00am – 2.00pm. (Minimum numbers are required for the session to run.)
Children from 18 months to 6 years old are invited to attend a session of fun activities including art and crafts, party games, outside play, stories and songs. Supervised care from qualified and experienced staff is offered at only $30 per child.
If you don’t know much about the Centre, please check out our great selection of courses and activities running each school term. Our Term 3 program is currently up on our website www.bncinc.org.au or hard copies are free at reception if you don’t receive one in your letterbox.
The Beaconsfield Community Complex Hall is also available to hire for your special events and the Children’s Room is also a great place to hold your child’s next birthday party for very reasonable rates.
Contact us with any enquiries:
8 O’Neil Road, Beaconsfield
Phone: 8768 4400
Email: contactus@bncinc.org.au
Website: www.bncinc.org.au