Community Capital Works Grants/Events Grants
Cardinia Shire Council has awarded $178,000 in funding under the Community Capital Works Grants 2018–19 to 18 successful applicants at a reception at the Cardinia Cultural Centre.
Each year, the Cardinia Shire Community Capital Works Grants program enables local community groups to upgrade community and recreation facilities to meet the varied needs of the community.
Congratulations to the Beaconsfield Kindergarten who received two grants for two projects at the Woods Street kinder. These projects include the installation of solar panels and for the nature playground renewal.
Council also recently awarded two Festival and Events grants to the Beaconsfield Progress Association. These grants were for the 2019 Anzac Memorial Service and for the inaugural Beaconsfield Australia Day Family Picnic and Movie Night. Congratulations to the BPA on their successful applications. I look forward to attending these events next year.
Beaconsfield Railway Station Car Park
Council is currently undertaking an investigation of parking around Beaconsfield Railway Station in response to concerns from Beaconsfield residents and rail patrons. This investigation includes the issues presented in a petition to Council in May 2018 by Railway Ave residents.
This investigation includes a comprehensive survey, which is currently underway, of the existing parking conditions on a typical day and recommendations for potential improvements from traffic consultants.
The results of this investigation and recommended actions are planned to be presented for consideration by councillors at the November Council meeting.
Council continues to advocate strongly for additional car parking in the lead up to the state election in November. We welcome the recent Victorian Liberal Party state promise of additional car parking, new shelter on platforms, toilet facilities and bike storage at the Beaconsfield Railway Station.
O’Neil Road Reserve Master Plan Consultation
The community consultation for the O’Neil Road Reserve Masterplan has closed. Thank you to all those who participated and provided high level of feedback to contribute to the master plan. Council officers are currently reviewing the community feedback and the Masterplan will be finalised in the coming months.
Female Friendly upgrades at Perc Allison and Holm Park Reserve
Cardinia Shire Council has allocated funding in the 18/19 Capital Works program for upgrades to change rooms in existing pavilions to support female participation in sport. This funding is part of a five-year program of specific buildings that contain ageing amenities, which are not female friendly, and where existing female sport competition is occurring on the site.
The existing pavilions at Perc Allison and Holm Park Reserves are on Council’s female friendly upgrade program.
Council is currently getting concept plans and Quantity Survey cost estimates completed for the proposed female friendly upgrade projects. Once this information is available, the detailed implementation of the 2018/19 upgrades will be rolled out. More consultation will take place with stakeholders for each site.
Mountain Boarding and the Officer District Reserve Masterplan
Late last year council received a petition from Mountainboarding Victoria containing 223 signatures in support of a new shared-use track that catered for mountainboarding, mountain bike and BMX riding.
A majority of the signatures were from school-aged residents who reside in Beaconsfield and Berwick.
In December 2017 Council resolved to investigate the request to determine what is required in the construction of a new track, potential locations for such a facility and the cost implications associated with the design and construction.
The investigation has been completed and as a result, council is proposing to provide a mountainboarding and mountain bike facility at the proposed Officer and District Reserve.
The draft Officer District Reserve Masterplan is currently on exhibition for public feedback and will guide the future planning and development of the Officer District Reserve to ensure a range of open space facilities meet the varied needs of the community. To review the draft Officer District Reserve Masterplan and have your say visit Council’s website at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay .
Public comments and submissions can be received until 5pm, Monday 17 September 2018.
Cardinia Shire’s New CEO
Council has appointed its next Chief Executive Officer after an extensive recruitment process facilitated by external specialists.
Ms Carol Jeffs will commence on Monday 8 October 2018 following the retirement of long-standing CEO Garry McQuillan.
Carol Jeffs comes to Cardinia Shire Council with over 15 years’ experience in local government management and leadership, and a demonstrated commitment to community engagement and participation. We look forward to Carol commencing at Cardinia.
Cr Brett Owen
Ph: 0418 993 370
Email: b.owen@cardinia.vic.gov.au
facebook.com/Brett Owen – Ranges
Cr Jeff Springfield
Ph: 0427 383 810
Email: j.springfield@cardinia.vic.gov.au
Cr Leticia Wilmot
Ph: 0427 135 879
Email: l.wilmot@cardinia.vic.gov.au