Children’s clothing and toy swap event
Residents can refresh their children’s wardrobe and toys for FREE at the upcoming Children’s Clothing and Toy Swap event in Beaconsfield. Council has partnered with The Clothing Exchange, to provide an environmentally friendly way to help parents/guardians of children aged 3-8 years tackle how quickly they grow out of their clothes and toys. Parents/guardians simply need to bring up to 6 good -quality pre-washed items of clothing and/or 6 good- quality toys to the event.
Event details
• Date: Sunday 7 April
• Time: 10am – 11:30am
• Location: Beaconsfield Community Complex (8 O’Neil Rd, Beaconsfield)
To allow more children to attend the event, only one parent/guardian per family please.
Participants need to register for this event.
Bonette Reserve
Bonette Reserve is home to the Beaconsfield War Memorial. It is located at the intersection of Woods Street and Old Princes Highway, Beaconsfield.
The Beaconsfield Structure Plan, which guides the growth and development of Beaconsfield sets out strategies to improve the area around the War Memorial.

The Historic Memorial and its immediate context are considered by the structure plan to represent an important Civic node for the town of Beaconsfield.
The improvements to the reserve including provision of accessible parking bay, seating, paths, paving, planting, as well as maintaining existing significant trees and improving accessibility and safety. Council anticipates the upgrade works will be completed by April 2024.
Council’s FREE green waste drop-off events
Council’s free green waste drop-off events are back in 2024. The service helps Cardinia Shire residents to clean up and reduce the fire fuel load on their properties throughout the year.
Council’s green waste drop-off events are accepting residential amounts of green waste including garden prunings, tree branches and trunks (up to 30 centimetres wide and 1 metre long), weeds, grass clippings, leaves, and flowers.
Pakenham – Monday 8 to Saturday 13 April 2024
Future Recycling Transfer Station, 30-32 Exchange Drive, Pakenham
Pakenham – Monday 3 to Saturday 8 June 2024
Future Recycling Transfer Station, 30-32 Exchange Drive, Pakenham
For further information
Care Finder: Understanding the My Aged Care system and Care Finder program
Do you need support as an older person? Come to the free sessions on Care Finder, a free service that helps you connect with My Aged Care and other community services. Council is hosting two free sessions this March about Care Finder, a free service for vulnerable older people who need support. Care Finder can help you:
- understand and interact with My Aged Care
- help you access aged care
- find other supporting services in the community.
You can get the support you need to live well, be independent, and feel safe. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Date: 12 March 2024 & 19 March 2024
Location: Cardinia Shire Council Civic Centre,
20 Siding Avenue, Officer
Time: 10.00am–12.00pm
Cost: Free
To book a seat to attend one of these events please email or call council on 1300 787 624.
Station Street Beaconsfield Level Crossing Removal
The project is progressing with major concrete piling and bridge abutment works well underway on both sides of the railway line and into the Melbourne Water catchment area.
The recent full closure of Kenilworth Avenue and the Beaconsfield Avenue underpass is complete, and both are reopened, with Kenilworth Avenue only in an Easterly direction which will remain for several months.
Council Officers are continuing to visit the site to ensure LXRP are following all their conditions and a recent spike in carparking overflows is also being investigated by Council Compliance Team.
A recent online Community update meeting was held where LXRP went through their most recent design updates and another meeting date will be announced by LXRP soon.
Brunt Road Level Crossing Removal
Major concrete works are taking place on the bridge now with the preparation well underway for the future tie into Brunt Rd, which will see traffic, pedestrians, and cyclists using the new bridge by mid-year.
An announcement on this timing is coming from LXRP very soon and the LXRP site compound entry has moved around into Pioneer Way in readiness for this.
The closure of Kenilworth Avenue to Brunt Road and its new connection to Copper Beech Road will be completed within the next 2 weeks and this has reduced construction traffic on Brunt Rd over the last week or so.
There are several other short closures of Janice St and Just Joey Drive for services relocations in the coming weeks and works notices have been sent out to all affected residents and LXRP will also be holding more community events in the coming months for further updates.
Residents are encouraged to sign up to the SMS service which provides updates on disruptions and closures in the area. removal-project/subscribe
Lighting Upgrade – Perc Allison Reserve Oval
In February, council awarded the tender for new sports field lighting at 5 reserves across the shire which included the Perc Allison Reserve’s Oval.
During 2022 condition audits were undertaken for sports lighting infrastructure within the shire. The audits identified and ranked priority works across the recreation reserves and sports facilities. Where assets were determined to be a risk, they were made safe, and a cyclic program of design and replacement established.
The sports field lighting will be replaced with current generation LED, poles, wiring and supporting infrastructure.
I look forward to the much-needed lighting upgrade to support our local sporting clubs.
Village Green Playground Renewal
As part of Council’s annual playground renewal program, Village Green playground on Stirling Circuit in Beaconsfield is being renewed. Village Green is located within the Panorama Estate in Beaconsfield and is within walking distance to the local childcare centre and Lifestyle community.
Late last year, residents were asked for their feedback on design options. Thanks to those residents who provided feedback on the design options for the playground renewal. The chosen design was option 4 and construction has commenced.
I am looking forward to this upgraded playground for our community to enjoy.
Cr Brett Owen
Ph: 0418 993 370
Email: Owen – Ranges