Welcome to this autumn edition of the Beaconsfield Banner. The Banner is available on our BPA website www.beaconsfield.org.au and printed copies are available from a number of local businesses including the Beaconsfield Post Office. Hopefully you have been able to have a restful and enjoyable break over Christmas and New Year. Most activities are now back in full swing. If possible, involve yourselves in community groups, events and activities as Beaconsfield has much to offer.
Currently, the important local issue is the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) and, in particular, the level crossing at Station Street, Beaconsfield. The BPA has informed the community at our meetings and by various online posts and by printed material and organised a public meeting with the LXRP and also made various representations to the LXRP.
The LXRP have stated their preferred option for a route diagonally south from the Goff Street, Beaconsfield Avenue and Station Street intersection through the Old Railway House property (proposed to be compulsorily acquired and demolished), then an overpass bridge across the railway line and Kenilworth Avenue, and then joining a new roundabout at Kenilworth Avenue.
The BPA supports a group of local residents who have protested the proposed demolition of the Old Railway House. In particular, they have used social media, websites and other ways to publicise the possible loss of the Old Railway House and Bunya Bunya tree both noted as having Heritage significance by a report for Cardinia Shire Council. The loss of the house and tree would occur if the Minister of Planning approved the Project’s preferred option. The Group has organised a petition to save the Old Railway House and Bunya Bunya tree and our Association supports the petition.
The BPA was successful in obtaining a 2022/2023 Cardinia Shire Council beautification grant of $2,000 which will be used for a seat in Beaconsfield Park. The BPA reviews grants available from the local Council, State, and Federal Governments that have a positive effect on the wellbeing of Beaconsfield residents. The BPA appreciates any financial assistance received.
Unfortunately, the outdoor Drive-In movie planned for Australia Day 2023 was not able to be held due to insufficient number of people to run and manage the event.
However, planning is well underway for the ANZAC Memorial Service to be held at the Beaconsfield War Memorial on Sunday, 23rd of April commencing at 2pm. A grant will be received from Cardinia Shire Council to cover the costs of this event.
Sadly, the Beaconsfield community lost a true identity with the recent death of Gerald Treasure at the age of 90. He previously owned and operated Beaconsfield Timber and Hardware for many years.

He involved himself with many community organisations including the Beaconsfield Football Club (life member), the Community Bank Beaconsfield District (involved in set-up and 10 year Director), the Rotary Club of Berwick and St. John of God Hospital. He was loved and respected by the Beaconsfield community. Vale Gerald.
Graeme Taylor
Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. Inc.
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