Amendment C257 introduces a Development Plan Overlay (DPO) to the Woodland Grove Precinct. The DPO will ensure that the objectives and strategies of the Beaconsfield Structure Plan are given due consideration when assessing planning applications for subdivision and buildings and works, and ensure consistency in the design of development within this residential area.
The DPO provides guidance on the vision for this area in the future, what Council wants to see in this area and how a developer or landowner should go about it. Given this site is within close proximity to the train station and the activity centre, medium density housing is the most appropriate future use for the site.
The proposed overlay requires anyone who wants to develop the site to prepare a holistic precinct wide Development Plan prior to obtaining a planning permit for the site. This development plan will act as the masterplan for the precinct. This will allow the form of development to be appropriately controlled by a plan that satisfies Council. All site constraints and characteristics are to be taken into consideration and addressed in the best way possible prior to a permit being granted. At the time of preparing the Development Plan various reports and investigations are required to be undertaken taking into account any proposed use for the site. These reports include traffic assessments, Flora and Fauna assessments and Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessments.
Council is not proposing to change the zoning of the area, the site will remain General Residential Zone. Any development that this amendment will facilitate, is currently allowable. This Amendment strictly allows Council to put some guidelines and requirements in place to ensure we get an integrated outcome for the site in terms of road layout and connectivity to the Cardinia Creek.
Amendment C257 is not forcing development on this land, it is in place if development was to occur in the future.
For further information on proposed Amendment C257 please visit or contact Cardinia Shire Council’s Strategic Planning Department on 1300 787 624.