Welcome to this Autumn Edition 2020 of the Beaconsfield Banner. I hope you enjoy reading the Banner which continues to inform residents on what is happening. The Banner is available on our BPA Website www.beaconsfield.org.au and printed copies are available from a number of local businesses including the Beaconsfield Post Office.
Carols by the Creek was held on Sunday 22 December at Holm Park Reserve. It was a wonderful evening with perfect weather and probably the largest attendance ever at a new location. The event is presented by Beaconsfield Baptist Church with Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. Inc. and thanks to all those who helped out on the night.
A Christmas Windows Competition was run by Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. Inc. and involved local retailers and the community. Winners were announced at the Carols by the Creek evening. Thanks to the generous shopkeepers for their donations of fabulous prizes and to Bronwyn McCormick for managing the event.
The Outdoor Movie Night and Family Picnic was held at Holm Park Reserve on Australia Day. The location and format for the evening worked well with approx. 200 people attending to see The Castle. Children’s activities before the film complemented the Family Picnic atmosphere. Thanks to Cardinia Shire Council for a Grant for this event and to Tania Baxter for managing the event. Thanks also to Kaye Charles Real Estate for providing the sign.
The Anzac Memorial Service will be held on Sunday 19 April. Planning for the event is well underway and you are welcome to assemble at the Beaconsfield Fire Brigade at 1.30pm for the march and the service at the Beaconsfield Cenotaph commencing at 2pm.
It is pleasing to see the progress being made on sealing of Kenilworth Avenue and associated works.
Cardinia Shire Council has proposed recommendations for improvements to the Beaconsfield Shopping Centre Carpark to improve vehicle access and pedestrian safety. This includes Give Way line markings, provision or upgrading of Zebra crossings, improved signage and line markings, pedestrian access paths and repairs to an overhead barrier. Our Association is involved in this process. Cardinia Shire Council has written to the landowners recommending specific improvements to their carparking areas and only one landowner has responded with minimal changes made. Our Association will continue to pursue this matter as it is of great concern to the community.
Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. Inc. is the voice of the community and is always willing to advocate on township matters to Councils, State and Commonwealth Governments. We welcome visitors to our meetings and to new members to help further the work being undertaken to benefit Beaconsfield. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at the Beaconsfield Community Complex commencing at 7.30pm and finishing at 9pm.
Graeme Taylor
Beaconsfield Progress Association Inc.
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