Welcome Back to School for 2019
Our newest preps have started school and it is still one of those times that fills the little ones with joy and wonder. Whilst is can cause “butterflies in the stomach” for children, their parents (and their teachers); it is a magical day that lives on in our memories as something very special. My advice as Principal is the same as that given by school leaders for the last 50 years with just one small addition: to read with your Prep child every night, make sure they eat healthily and get a good sleep every night, share lots of positive family talks and time together, and minimise screen time for optimal brain/behavioural development.
School Student Leadership Team
We are blessed with so many wonderful students at Beaconsfield that it is often a difficult choice in selecting who might be the best role models to guide and lead their peers and assist in the smooth running of the school. Student Leadership is more than being a glorified school monitor, they work with their teachers to co-create a rich culture of support and create the “feel” of the school.
Congratulations to our new School Leadership; School Captains (SC), House Captains (HC) and Specialist Area Captains. These children have undergone a rigorous selection process, involving selection by their peers and teachers and even interview rounds for School Captains. I cannot help but be impressed by qualities exhibited by our children; the qualities I hope will serve them well in their leadership roles now and throughout their lives – a sense of purpose and a passion for service to others. Our student leaders are inspiring in their optimism, drive and kindness to others. We wish them well and hope they enjoy and learn through their experience.

Former Beaconsfield PS student Andrew Swift performed at the 2019 CMAA Golden Guitar Awards on the 26th of January.
Andrew’s album “Call out the Cavalry” has been a hit and Andrew received 4 nominations all up and won gold for “Alt Country Album of the Year” and “New Talent of the Year”. We are all so proud of this incredibly talented and hardworking musician and wish him all the best for a wonderful career!
Gary Methven