Clean up of the Berwick Views Wetlands
Melbourne Water recently undertook works to de-silt the Berwick Views Estate wetlands.
Retarding basins and wetlands are key to drainage networks, holding water where it can be treated to remove sediments and pollutants in times of high flows, holding stormwater back so that it releases at a slower rate to reduce flooding.
Sediment ponds collect sediment from water systems, and are key parts of the drainage network. This sediment has travelled through the drainage network and has been at this location for some time. If the sediment pond becomes blocked, the system cannot work properly and there is an increased likelihood of flooding.
The works involved an excavator to dig out the sediment, which was then left onsite to dry out. Once dried the sediment was removed.
These works were funded by the Waterways and Drainage Charge collected through our water bills.
O’Neil Road Recreation Reserve Master Plan
Council is preparing a draft Master Plan for the O’Neil Rd Recreation Reserve. The plan provides a draft strategic blueprint for the reserve’s future and will make a number of recommendations for improvements. These recommendations aim to support the future participation needs of our community, in both active and passive recreation.
In the coming weeks, council will release the draft Master Plan. Residents are encouraged to have their say on the future direction of the reserve. Council staff are currently planning the consultation and will notify the community when the consultation timelines are open. Keep an eye on Council’s website and social media pages for more information.
If you wish to be kept informed of the the consultation timelines, and obtain a copy of the draft master plan when it’s released, please email Fiona Christopher (Active Reserves Coordinator) at recreation@cardinia.vic.gov.au
Beaconsfield Skate Park and Car park project
The sealing of the main car park at Holm Park Recreation Reserve is now complete.
In February, council awarded the tender for the construction of the new skate park at Holm Park Recreation Reserve. The skate park will be completed prior to June 2018. Thanks to the many young people who assisted in the design of the skate park.
Beaconsfield Structure Plan
Council considered submissions to the proposed planning scheme amendment for Beaconsfield. The amendment seeks to implement the Beaconsfield Structure plan through a series of Design Development Overlays, which will provide greater transparency and guidance to the community and developers alike. The submissions have been referred to an independent planning panel before council formally seeks to adopt the proposed changes. An important note is that the proposed amendment is not seeking to introduce any new controls; rather it simply seeks to improve the transparency and effectiveness of the existing controls. The report can be viewed on the shire of Cardinia website www.cardinia.vic.gov.au
Glismann Road Development Plan
At the February council meeting, council resolved to seek authorisation to exhibit a planning scheme amendment for the Glismann Road area. This will provide certainty to the residents in the area as to how it could be developed into the future. Council agreed to commence the formal planning scheme amendment process. Residents are invited to peruse the documents and make comment and prepare a submission. Details can be located on council’s website. The report to council can be viewed on the council website www.cardinia.vic.gov.au
If you would like to contact us, please see our contact details below.
Cr Brett Owen
Ph: 0418 993 370
Email: b.owen@cardinia.vic.gov.au
facebook.com/Brett Owen – Ranges
Cr Jeff Springfield
Ph: 0427 383 810
Email: j.springfield@cardinia.vic.gov.au
Cr Leticia Wilmot
Ph: 0427 135 879
Email: l.wilmot@cardinia.vic.gov.au