Old Princes Highway – Signalisation and Intersection upgrades
Council has been advocating for other government financial assistance to bring forward the major improvements at the intersections along Old Princes Highway at O’Neil Road and Beaconsfield Avenue/Glismann Road. It was pleasing to get a committed financial allocation from the federal government of $17.8m for 8 intersection upgrades along the Princes Highway between Beaconsfield and Pakenham. The above mentioned intersections are included in the roads package.
Council is waiting to receive the funding agreement from the federal government which will set out timelines of commencement and ending dates. Once Council has this agreement, the Tender documents will commence. Council has design details for all intersections and is in a place to commence the process as soon as details have been received from the Federal Minister.
In the meantime, council met with Vic Roads in February to get a commitment from them to make safety improvements to the O’Neil intersection in the interim until the intersection is fully upgraded.
I would like to thank the Beaconsfield Progress Association on their advocacy over many years for these much needed upgrades.
Interpreting Bowman’s Track
Council has worked with the Beaconsfield Progress Association to redesign and install a new and improved Bowman’s Track interpretation sign which has been installed at the start of Janet Bowman Boulevard, Beaconsfield and also at the end of Bowman’s Track which is located at the junction of Beenak East and Beenak Road on the border of Cardinia Shire and Yarra Ranges.
The next stage of the project is near completion which is the design and installation of 23 new wayfinding signs to be located on key road sides along the 60km route.
Cardinia Creek weed reduction works
Council has been working with the community on a long-term project for weed reduction along Cardinia Creek and various parcels of land in the Beaconsfield, Guys Hill and Upper Beaconsfield areas, and as far north as the Cardinia Reservoir Park.
Funded by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning the works involve a highly collaborative effort to tackle high threat weeds across land owned and managed by a variety of different agencies including Cardinia Shire Council, Melbourne Water, Parks Victoria, the Cardinia Environment Coalition and VicRoads.
Thank you to all of the community members involved in keeping our beautiful area weed-free! If you’d like to learn more about the project, please give council a call.
Down to earth e-newsletter
Did you know you can sign up to receive our free, bi-monthly e-newsletter ‘Down to earth’?
The e-newsletter provides local environmental news, plus tips and tricks to improve your wildlife garden.
You can sign up at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/enewsletters
Ageing well newsletter – edition 2 out now!
The second edition of Cardinia Shire’s Ageing Well Newsletter is out now!
Developed by Council with the support of the Cardinia Shire Age Friendly Alliance Group, this edition of the newsletter includes information on:
- seeking dementia friends
- supporting healthy relationships
- have your say on Cardinia Shire’s Ageing Well Strategy
- home library service
- gentle exercise for over 50s, and more!
Get your hardcopy from a variety of locations around the shire, or view online at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/ageingwell
You can also subscribe to the Ageing Well e-newsletter to get notified by email when a new edition is out – www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/enewsletters
Hard waste collection coming soon
Council’s next hard waste collection program will commence from Tuesday 23 April until Friday 24 May 2019.
For more information and to check your collection week visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/hardwaste
Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre – Harmony Day event
Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre is co-ordinating a free Harmony Day event on 23 March between 11.00am and 4.00pm at the Beaconsfield Community Complex.
The Harmony Festival is a fun, family day showcasing the Beaconsfield community and welcoming everyone to the Community Complex to see what is available in the area.
Harmony Day is a day to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, based on the successful integration of migrants into our community and our Harmony Festival honours this concept.
Free performances from local groups, activities, information and exhibits. Cheap children’s rides, show bags, food trucks and stalls.
Cardinia Shire Council supports this event through its Festival and Event grants program.
Public Toilet Upgrade
Refurbishment of the Beaconsfield Exeloo public toilet (located on the south side of the highway) will commence at the end of April/early May this year. The upgrade of this toilet will include new fittings and fixtures, flooring and wall tiling.
Rectification works – Resurfaced Roads
Last year, council conducted a number of resealing works in Beaconsfield. Some of the completed work was unsatisfactory and not up to the standard expected. Council has received a proposed method of rectification from the contractor, which council is reviewing. Works are expected to commence mid-March and at the contractor’s cost.
Cr Brett Owen
Ranges Ward
Cardinia Shire Council
Cr Brett Owen
Ph: 0418 993 370
Email: b.owen@cardinia.vic.gov.au
facebook.com/Brett Owen – Ranges
Cr Jeff Springfield
Ph: 0427 383 810
Email: j.springfield@cardinia.vic.gov.au
Cr Leticia Wilmot
Ph: 0427 135 879
Email: l.wilmot@cardinia.vic.gov.au