Have Your Say
Council regularly consults with our community to help it make decisions in a range of areas. We encourage you to give us your opinion.
We want you to be informed of council operations and provide input. Seeking community feedback ensures that we know what your priorities and expectations are, so these can be taken into account when we make decisions around planning, service delivery and other areas. Visit council’s website:
Glismann Road Development
Council is still waiting for approval from the Minister for Planning to begin exhibition of the planning scheme amendment to guide any future development of Glismann Road and to provide certainty for all.
At the time of publication, council has been given no timeline from the State Government as to when we could expect this.
Council’s Community Bus
Did you know that Cardinia Shire Council has a community bus for hire? For only $8 per hour, community groups can have access to a 9 seater bus or 10 seater if you need to transport someone in a wheelchair.
For more information phone council on 1300 787 624 or visit council’s website:
Beaconsfield Skate Park
The construction of the skate park at Holm Park Recreational Reserve is now completed and is already being heavily used by our local skaters. Thanks to the many young people who helped to design elements of the park. Check it out!
Lack of Car Parking at Beaconsfield Railway Station
Increased car parking at the Beaconsfield Railway Station is needed to cater for the increase in patronage of the station. Current car parking to support the community and commuters is not sufficient.
The lack of car parking is resulting in overflow into surrounding residential streets, which is affecting the amenity and liveability of residents.
Based on current conditions, the overflow effect of commuters parking in local streets is significantly affecting the congestion, safety and local amenity of the Beaconsfield Township. Residential streets in Beaconsfield such as Woods Street, Railway Avenue, Goff Street, Railway and Beaconsfield Avenue are impacted on a daily basis by overflow parking issues.
At the upcoming state election, a funding commitment from both major parties is essential for the upgrade of Beaconsfield Railway Station car park, utilising the adjacent Vic Track land.
In addition to increased car parking, additional bus services are also needed to improve bus and train connectivity. Such an investment in public transport would reduce the need to drive to the station.
Council will continue to advocate for these vital improvements. If you would like to contact us, please see our contact details below.
Cr Brett Owen
Ph: 0418 993 370
Email: b.owen@cardinia.vic.gov.au
facebook.com/Brett Owen – Ranges
Cr Jeff Springfield
Ph: 0427 383 810
Email: j.springfield@cardinia.vic.gov.au
Cr Leticia Wilmot
Ph: 0427 135 879
Email: l.wilmot@cardinia.vic.gov.au