Welcome to this Summer edition of the Beaconsfield Banner. The Banner is available on our BPA website www. beaconsfield.org.au and printed copies are available in the town at businesses including the Beaconsfield Post Office and Beaconsfield Pharmacy.
A significant local issue we are dealing with is the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) and, in particular, the Level Crossing at Station Street. Work on the project continues at a fast rate and, at times, works are happening 24/7. In particular, works have continued on the road bridge overpass which is overwhelming in size and will significantly change the landscape. Works on the roundabout at Goff St/ Beaconsfield Ave continue and are nearly complete. Fortunately the old ‘Railway House’ has been mostly left intact apart from the section at the rear used as a sunroom. An Arborist inspected the Bunya Bunya pine and reported it was in good condition. Some members and also local residents recently attended the Local Community Reference Group to discuss concerns of local residents with the LXRP works. The meeting was arranged by Michael Galea MP and was also attended by Cr Brett Owen.
Engage Victoria has commenced a survey to name the Beaconsfield road bridge as it is a new road. BPA has been consulted and the nominations are Rushton Road, McKenna Drive, Nott Drive and Parklands Drive. The survey must be lodged by 15 December, 2024 and can be done online at www.engage.vic.gov.au/lxrp-station-streets-beaconsfield-and-officer
For future place names, Cardinia Shire Council encourages locals to nominate individuals who have left a notable legacy within the community to be included in the Victorian Governments’ Name a Place Campaign. This campaign spotlights local heroes for commemorating them when place naming new streets, parks, community facilities and buildings.
Melbourne Water have continued a slow drawdown of the Beaconsfield Reservoir. The drawdown will be over 3 years reducing the water level by 4.85M AHD. This will result in extended areas of wetlands to enhance the ecology. This accords to the Melbourne Water Partial Upgrade Plan which is the supported position of the BPA. We look forward to future works hopefully to include amenities in the BNCR so that the reservoir and BNCR are a safe park which the public can access and enjoy in the future. However, responsibilities of BNCR stakeholders are unclear.
BPA recently received a Cardinia Shire Wellbeing / Support Grant of $1,000 for our Operation Christmas Trees and Decorations at Beaconsfield. After last year’s fabulous Christmas Trees Display, we intend to have Beaconsfield looking great this year with 11 trees at 4 locations. We are also engaging with the local community including Beaconsfield Primary School, Beaconsfield Tennis Club and co-opted members.
Works are nearly finished on the Jim Parkes Reserve upgrade and it is currently available for use. There was extensive consultation with the community to discuss the upgrade of most of the reserve and playground equipment. This reserve has always been popular with children particularly due to being close to Beaconsfield Primary School.
The works on Bonette Reserve are nearly complete and it is looking good now that the seating has been installed.
Carols by the Creek will be held at Bob Burgess Reserve on Sunday, 22 December. Organisers are hoping for fine weather and a good crowd for this family friendly event.
Our Incorporated Association held its Annual General Meeting on 15 October at the Beaconsfield Community Complex . All the Association Office
Bearers’ positions were declared vacant and were elected, as follows:
- President: Graeme Taylor
- Vice President: Colin Brewer
- Treasurer: Andrew Brewster
- Secretary: Ann Taylor
- General committee members:
- Suzanne Brewer
- Bronwyn McCormick
- Robert Cooper
Thanks to everyone who will serve on our community association for the next year.
I wish you all a merry Christmas and have a great 2025.
Graeme Taylor
Beaconsfield Progress Assoc. Inc.