Well, this is difficult. As I write this there are 17 days until the State Election, as you read it, the election will be run and won by someone. If my opponent was elected, I wish them all the best, if I am returned, I look forward to working with the community again.
No matter the outcome, I would like to put on record my thanks and appreciation to Malik (Labor), Hayley (Greens), Katherine (Animal Justice), Joel (Family First Victoria) and Kerry (Freedom Party). It was only the six of us nominated at the time I write this, and I want to thank them all for being an active part of our democracy. We are lucky and privileged in Australia to have a system that not only allows but encourages participation in our democracy without fear or favour. If any other candidates nominated after I write this, thank you to you also.
Anyway, the best way to write from here on is to say we now need to turn our focus from the State Election to the state fire season. Victoria knows all too well what a lack of preparation can result in. The Government has a responsibility on public land, and we know more could be done here. At the same time individuals have a responsibility to protect their own houses and community. Make sure you empty the gutters, clear as much as possible to prevent fire reaching your home. You can seek advice from the awesome team at the Beaconsfield CFA, the volunteers there know the risks and the best prevention options.
Also, Council can offer advice and I am confident they will point you in the right direction for support if you need it. Don’t leave it too late, make sure you and your family have a fire plan as they do save lives. Finally, with preparation, reach out to the neighbours who are a little more vulnerable, they may need some assistance as this may impact your families’ plans.
Take care this summer, and no matter who your local MP is from 27 November onwards, they should be there to assist you and offer guidance. Thank you again and have a wonderful Christmas. (I can’t believe I am already saying that in November.)
If you would like to share your thoughts or any concerns with me, please feel free to contact me on 5953 0216 or brad.battin@parliament.vic.gov.au. You can also follow me on social media via my website: www.bradbattin.com.au
Twitter- @BradBattinMP
Facebook: @BradBattinMP
Instagram: @bradbattinMP
LinkedIn: Brad-Battin
YouTube: Brad Battin MP
Brad Batttin MP
Liberal State Member for Gembrook