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TheĀ  content of this Digital Memorial is available on a touch screen located in the Beaconsfield Community Complex and also on the Beaconsfield Progress Association website.

Help information is slightly different depending on the device you are using.

Help for the touch screen users

This Digital Memorial has a touch screen just like your mobile phone.

This allows you to touch and swipe the screen to navigate the information provided.

You can also zoom and pinch the screen using two fingers.

There is no need to touch or press the screen heavily, as the position of your finger is sensed by invisible light beams just above the surface of the screen.

Each page can be scrolled up and down by swiping your finger up or down.

Each page of the Memorial has a a row of green menu buttons across the top of the screen which provide access to each page of information. Simply lightly swipe the green button to display the page or sub menu.

Some buttons have a small ‘V’ on the right hand side. This indicates there is a drop down sub menu in addition to the green button.

The drop down menu is displayed by holding your finger on the menu button or by swiping down over the button. Lightly press a sub menu item to access that page.

Each menu button links to a page which provides some general information about the data in each of the sub menu items.

A red BACK button exists on the right hand side of the menu and can be used to go back to the previous page.

Text which is displayed in green is a link to further information. Touch the green text to access the information. Note that the green text in this paragraph is not a link, but simply an illustration of the appearance of links.

If you do not touch the screen for a period of time, a screensaver page is displayed containing information about the Beaconsfield Progress Association and its activities. Simply touch the screen to terminate the screensaver page.

Help for website users

The Digital Memorial works in the same way as many other websites.

Each page of the Memorial has a a row of green menu buttons across the top of the screen which provide access to each page of information. Simply lightly swipe the green button or click the mouse to display the page or sub menu. If you are using a handheld device, a fawn drop down menu will be displayed rather than the green buttons.

Some buttons and drop down menu items have a small ‘V’ on the right hand side. This indicates there is a drop down sub menu in addition to the green button / handheld device fawn menu list.

Lightly press a sub menu item to access that page.

Each menu item links to a page which provides some general information about the data in each of the sub menu items.

A red BACK button exists on the right hand side of the menu and can be used to go back to the previous page.

The BACK button is a little problematic on handheld devices and its effectiveness is context dependent. If it does not work as expected, close the fawn menu using the X in the top right hand corner of the menu and the underlying page will be displayed. Most handheld devices have some type of screen based back arrow, so it is generally easier to use it.

Text which is displayed in green is a link to further information. Touch the green text to access the information. Note that the green text in this paragraph is not a link, but simply an illustration of the appearance of links.